Indigenous and Northern Centre for Innovation

The goal of this project is to support Indigenous economic development corporations in the establishment of technology-focused companies designed to introduce, test and market new and emerging technologies of potential application for Indigenous communities. At present, northern, remote and Indigenous communities are being left behind in the technological revolution. Companies do not reach out to […]

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Obfuscation and Homomorphic Encryption in the Quantum Setting

Our research goals, which are a mix of theoretical and practical problems, are motivated by the practical near-term problem of delegating tasks to an untrusted remote quantum computer in a secure way. Toward this, we consider the notions of indistinguishability obfuscation for quantum circuits and quantum fully homomorphic encryption schemes. The former refers to algorithms […]

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Fault Detection in Cables: A Machine-Learning Approach

Fault location identification is one of the most common, but challenging, activities that power operators face within industrial plants. Once a fault occurs in the network, protective relays isolate the affected area from the system; then, maintenance crew use special tools and patrol the area to pinpoint the fault. This process may take a lot […]

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Mental Health Series: Addressing the mental health concerns of medical radiation technologists in Canada

In 2018, the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) identified that there were high levels of emotional exhaustion and among medical radiation technologists. Research has shown that such burnout can lead to significant personal implications, reduced quality of patient care, and can have financial implications for organizations due to absenteeism and low job satisfaction.4–7 […]

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Integration sound considerations into the Montreal nightlife policy

Noise affects everyone, and our cities try to limit noise impacts through effective policy. We focus on the issue of night noise, where the needs of different people can vary widely between wanting quiet for sleeping and for the great nightlife that cities are known for. This collaboration between the City of Montreal and the […]

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Detoxification of oil sands process-affected water

Alberta’s oil sands tailings ponds contain approximately one billion m3of oil sands process-affected water (OSPW). This water is toxic and must be treated in order to comply with environmental regulations. In this project, Metabolik’s team will conduct two sequential field trials in small, contained environments, where they will identify, and assess the impact of the […]

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Moisture accumulation in a cavity-insulated thick-wall assembly with an exterior air barrier system as a result of natural convection in cold climates

The intent of the proposed research project is to measure the performance of a highly-insulated wall assembly system when an exterior air barrier system is used and air movement within and across the wall occurs. In cold climates, the movement of warm, moist air within and across an exterior wall may result in moisture accumulating […]

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Development and Validation of a Needle Decompression Simulator to Support the Acquisition and Maintenance of Advanced Care Paramedics Skills

Paramedics perform a range of services in pre-hospital patient care, often being the first responders for the most critically ill patients. As such, it is crucial for them to learn and retain life-saving clinical procedures throughout their career. Simulation has been designed to provide a way to paramedic training. This project focuses on the development […]

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Freight consolidation and container loading optimization

This project investigates a complex freight consolidation and loading problem faced by Frontline Carrier Systems Inc., a leading transportation and supply chain provider in North America. Frontline seeks to optimize their transportation costs by minimizing the number of trucks required to ship a set of customer orders within a finite planning horizon. The problem integrates […]

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Dynamic multi-type multi-priority emergency surgery scheduling with accurate service duration estimation

The process of setting surgical schedules in a modern hospital operating room suite is complicated. Scheduling surgery involves coordinating two separate but inter-related service distribution channels, namely, elective surgery operations and emergency surgery operations. Elective surgical cases are selected from a broad range of diagnostic categories and are scheduled in advance into surgical time that […]

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Quantum and Quantum-inspired Optimization for Intractable Industry Problems

MITACS interns at 1QBit will aid in the research and development of experimental usage of quantum and classical hardware devices for industry use including, healthcare, finance, advanced materials, and optimization. Interns will have the opportunity to work alongside academics and research teams. MITACS interns will gain the practical experience of applying their knowledge for industry […]

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Eco-Friendly Styrofoam Substitute for Sustainable Food Packaging

Food packaging, particularly packaging for fish, relies heavily on the use of Styrofoam (i.e. expanded polystyrene or EPS). The world’s concern for environmental sustainability has prompted a need for eco-friendly alternatives and has led governments to enact single use plastics bans in many areas, such as Montreal and New York. Further, Canada is planning to […]

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