“Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds”- Gender Transformative Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) Program Implementation in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)

The Canadian Red Cross (CRC) has historically been at the forefront supporting local level programming in international humanitarian contexts. The GHU provides both technical and operational support to CRC field experts who are responsible for on-the-ground programming, and advocacy on behalf of local communities, bringing their voices to the CRC when setting its global health […]

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White Sturgeon Movement and Habitat Use in the Lower Columbia River

The White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) population in the lower Columbia River was listed as endangered under the Species at Risk Act in 2006. Natural recruitment failure has occurred since the 1970s, with regular spawning occurring but insufficient numbers of viable offspring reaching juvenile stage to sustain the population. A recovery strategy has included the establishment […]

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Solid Waste Management Best Practices: cost effective options to sustainably manage solid waste in the Peace River Regional District

The Peace River Regional District (PRRD) and the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), are collaborating on the development of a solid waste management plan (SWMP) whose foundation is based on the five “R”s as outlined in A Guide to Solid Waste Management Planning (2016) produced by the British Columbia Ministry of Environment1. The hierarchy […]

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Investigating employees racial bias in the workplace using neurophysiological and behavioral measures

Research in organizational behavior studies suggest that racial discrimination and bias exist in the workplace. Although explicit forms of racism are in decline, new forms of racial discrimination (i.e., implicit and unconscious) continue to compromise the inclusion and diversity in organizations. One of the challenges that HR specialists face is evaluating employees’ unconscious bias. This […]

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Uniting the Métis Nation of BC through values based leadership and strategic culture

The Métis Nation of BC, (MNBC) has been challenged with a sense of division among staff, governance and citizenship. As a result, programming is missing a strategic framework while ministries and chartered communities operate as independent silos. There is a clear and collective desire to rejuvenate Métis culture but without first acknowledging current state and […]

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An Investigation into the Role of Fe Mineralogy in Hydrocarbon Remediation in Western Canadian Soils

Contamination of soils with toxic hydrocarbons (e.g. benzene) is a widespread environmental concern in Canada. Remediation of contaminated soils is often destructive to land resources. In-situ remediation built on soil infiltration with biostimulatory solutions represents an effective approach that bypasses this drawback, however field studies suggest it is not effective under all conditions. The reason […]

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Development and implementation of an Edge AI IoT device with domain specific architecture to autonomously monitor children around pools

Costs are continually declining for internet connected devices, known as the internet-of-things (IoT), offering solutions across various consumer, commercial and industrial applications. Concurrently, machine learning (ML) models are continually expanding their deployment platforms, from massive central servers down to microcomputers. Innovative IoT devices will run the ML models without support from central data centers or […]

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In Tune with Global Youth Mental Health

The mental well-being of youth is critical at a personal, familial, and societal level. The rise of mental illness, addictions, and suicide in youth, especially among those living in low- and middle-income countries, is of significant concern. Our global health team at the University of Toronto and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) has […]

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Temporal soft clustering for profiling and predictive analytics in elderly care homes

Nxtgen Care provides monitoring services for elderly care homes across North America. Their product provides detailed analysis in visual formats to understand the resident’s requirements and directing care in that direction. To meet this goal, voluminous data is collected from the various activities of the residents. Through this project, this data is processed and directed […]

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Bullying Purposely Left Out?: Canada’s amended Labour Code and its potential impact on Indigenous workers

Workplace discrimination is common for Indigenous people (1,2). Unacceptable behaviours may take place at work, such as threats, intimidation, or violence (2). The workplace is a location where behaviour labeled as ‘bullying’ occurs (1,3). When examining Indigenous workers, the impacts of behaviour defined as bullying (and the mere act of defining the behaviour as bullying […]

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Genes to affordable medicines – Stream 2-L

The Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) is a not-for-profit public-private partnership research organization that aims to accelerate the discovery of new medicines through open science. This Mitacs cluster will bring together SGC’s industry and academic collaborators to work together towards new and affordable medicines for challenging diseases. Sixty-three post-doctoral fellows will spend 2-3 years developing open […]

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