In-Kind Student Edition: Skills and Services Impact Study

To date, there is a gap in the research determining how in-kind giving can be used to motivate student engagement. In tandem with Algonquin College, this project seeks to understand how in-kind giving can help students get involved in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Through a mixed-methods approach involving interviews, focus groups, and […]

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Success story ‘Cabot Link’ – Can luxury tourism development, and the inclusion of non-academic learning activities as a travel experience, help economically neglected regions in Nova Scotia to prosper?

This Research is an inspirational case study, addressing Nova Scotia’s challenged Tourism Industry, by investigating in an unprecedented tourism development in Cape Breton: The Cabot Links in Inverness Nova Scotia. Discovering the process in detail may inform and inspire, but also prevent similar projects from future delays such as those that beset one of the […]

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Enabling next generation cardiac therapeutics with genetic engineering and novel in vivo models for cardiomyocyte transplantation – Year two

The development of cellular therapeutics is acutely dependent on the ability to evaluate the functional characteristics of the cells in predictive animal models. This forms the basis of key pre-clinical data packages that are key for regulatory submissions preceding human clinical trials. The development of appropriate model systems, the execution of the surgical techniques to […]

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Impact of dark chocolate consumption on glucose levels of people with diabetes

Blood sugar levels increase after the consumption of food. Especially in sugary foods such as candy or chocolate, this increase in blood sugar will be more pronounced. In individuals with diabetes, who may require tracking of carbohydrates and food or injection of insulin following a meal, foods such as chocolate are suggested to be avoided. […]

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An Investigation of Potential Market Entry for Novel Medical Devices ina Pandemic Environment

Currently, it is difficult to obtain market share in the medical device market. Furthermore, a lack of resources by small companies with disruptive technologies can prove to be detrimental to establishing market share. This huge hurdle thus discourages innovators from commercializing their life-saving technologies especially in a pandemic situation. This project will focus on the […]

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Machine Learning Engineering and Optimization for Improving Seafood Production

In this project, machine learning and optimization will be applied to a 20 GB dataset on raw fish quality and process control parameters collected by the Tally software over a three-year period in a large industrial tuna cannery processor. The goal of the research is to design predictive machine learning and optimization algorithms maximizing the […]

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Optimiz AIOps data normalization and visualization

Approximately 70% of data collected by ITOps is not actionable, either due to lack of timeliness or context, and real-time normalized data stored in a data lake is needed to produce actionable data. Also, AIOps tools are often poorly configured and lead to alert fatigue. The benefit to the partner organization is that they will […]

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APEX Total Compensation Study

The APEX (Association of Professional Executives of the Public Sector of Canada) total compensation study seeks to provide a current assessment of executive compensation philosophies and governance within the public service sector in Canada. Issues related to limited differences in compensation between senior level managers and less experienced managers will be explored including the various […]

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Building a Mobile Platform to Identify Factors that Impact Student Success and Mental Health Related to Their Living Arrangements

This research seeks to discover how matching roommates can improve the living experience, academic progress, retention and mental health of students. It would be carried out using automated questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, surveys to extract user information. The research would help build a platform that can successfully match students based on preferences to help them […]

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Measuring Charity Impact Value Using Social Return on Investment: The Value of Implementing Experiential Sustainable Development Goal Learning into Children’s Activities

Scouts Canada is adapting programing to align more closely with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research project will measure the amount of change in SDG awareness and behaviours of the participants and volunteers of the program. These outcomes will be monetized into a Social Return on Investment that compares the value of […]

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State space models in credit and operational risk management

This project targets development of applied methods and practical solutions to risk management problems where only partial observation of a system is possible. Such settings are commonplace in financial and other context but can be challenging to address due to a limited number of production-grade ready-to-use solutions. The scientific component of the project employs approaches […]

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