A conversational assistant for accessing Covid-related benefits

We will develop a conversational assistant that can answer Canadian employee and employer questions about Covid benefits. The assistant will ask the user a minimal, easy-to-understand set of questions to help them figure out whatever benefits they are eligible for and will direct them to the relevant sites for applying for these benefits. The partner […]

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Sustainable Shipping – A roadmap to zero emission ambitions

Tackling climate change is a complex task, one that depends on transformation of different sectors. Maritime shipping is the transmission belt of the global economy and continues to account for the majority of imports and exports. It is recognized as an energy-efficient mode of transportation compared to road and air transport. Yet, maritime transport has […]

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Improving Financial Health in Canada

The goal of this partnership is to develop data-driven tools that will empower individual Canadians to improve their financial resilience and reduce their levels of financial stress. Individuals will complete a short questionnaire; based on their responses, will be assigned to one of three groups – financially stressed, financially coping or financially comfortable – giving […]

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AI powered mobile application to detect plagiocephaly and craniosynostosis in infants

Technology can be a valuable tool to help physicians improve the care they provide for their patients. We set out to determine if an AI powered mobile application could help primary care physicians detect clinically significant positional plagiocephaly and/or craniosynostosis during regular well-baby visits. The intern will directly help in planning, conduction, and statistically analyze […]

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Bingo Impact Management: A Social Impact Management Platform for Sport

Bingo Impact Management is a social impact management platform designed to help practitioners collect, analyze, and report on sport programming outcomes. This platform leverages technology in the form of a participant-driven app and client-facing portal and reporting capabilities to affordably and accessibly bring evaluation tools to sport programmers, non-profit organizations, and coaches. Sport organizations, various […]

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Development and Optimization of Fish Hydrolysate Fertilizer Formulation

The fish processing industry produces a high level of fish waste (head, bones, skin, fins, etc.) which is often discarded in landfills. This underutilized biomass waste stream has potential to be upgraded through hydrolysis to be used an organic fertilizer. Eberts Fur Farm Inc. currently obtains fish waste from a local food supplier to use […]

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Assessing the immune response to stem cell-derived beta cells and associated bioprinted devices for diabetes cell therapy

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease where pancreatic beta cells are destroyed and no longer produce insulin, a hormone that maintains healthy blood sugar levels. People with T1D must replace insulin with injections or a pump. Although insulin is lifesaving, maintaining normal blood sugar levels is often a struggle for people with diabetes. […]

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Diagnostics and Explainable Machine Learning Models

Despite the advances of Machine Learning, the models are still being considered black-boxes that are difficult to diagnose and explain. The model performance diagnostic measures are critical to the assessment of the model’s relevance, accuracy and robustness. Good models’ performance is the primary enabler of their successful deployment in real-life applications. However, even if the […]

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COVID19 tools to enable contact free advanced microscopy, remote training and technical support while maintaining physical distancing

After complete shutdown, gradual return of research productivity needs to be maximized while still maintaining safe working conditions and minimizing the potential for transmission of the coronavirus. The gold standard of advanced microscopy is to provide access to key infrastructure which should also include advanced research support from microscopy specialists. In order to use the […]

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“Missed Connections: Encouraging social encounter, connection, andengagement through time- and location-sensitive playful interactionand games among users/players of public space.”

In this research project, research on cross-reality urban games that foster social engagement and interaction among city-dwellers with themselves and the urban spaces they inhabit will be furthered. Special attention will be paid to the shared experience of time and memory, as these two interface in Urbanoid’s cross-reality urban game x-ode. The knowledge gained will […]

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