Smart Textiles for the delivery of neuromuscular electrical stimulation therapy (NMES)

Up to half of patients with COVID-19 requiring mechanical ventilation in an intensive care unit (ICU) will develop ICU-Acquired Weakness (ICUAW). Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) holds promise to both prevent and treat ICUAW. NMES applies electrical impulses to muscles through electrodes placed on the skin to induce muscle contractions, and is highly effective in maintaining […]

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Multi-OMIC biomarkers to predict neonatal vaccine response

Many babies die within the first month of life from infectious diseases. Despite successful neonatal vaccination programs, it is not yet possible to accurately predict if a vaccine will work on a newborn child, at the individual “personalized” level. We need to better understand the mechanism of antibody generation after vaccination to improve immunization programs. […]

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Evaluation of a small, gas powered, patient-responsive automated resuscitation/ventilation device adapted to pandemics of respiratory failure

The projects will involve the modifications of a small automated ventilator (breathing machine) suitable for use in pandemics and underresourced settings (outside hospital, in patient transport, small hospitals), especially suited to patients with severe lung disease. Partner organization will be able to improve the design of the current ventilator to make it better suited for […]

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Improving protein-ligand binding models using multidimensional, mixed-confidence training data

There currently are no approved treatments for COVID-19, as global case counts increase daily. High infectivity and long time-to-recovery for COVID-19 cases is straining health-care systems globally. There is an urgent need to discover therapeutics that treat patients and improve clinical outcomes. Research and Development timelines associated with vaccines and new chemical entities will not […]

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Characterization of aerosols generated by various dental procedures

Dental procedures generate a large quantity of airborne droplets. With the concern that COVID-19 transmits through respiratory droplets, dental personnel are at high risk of being exposed to the virus if an asymptomatic patient comes to their clinic. However, limited studies have been performed on the characterization of aerosols generated during dental procedures, how far […]

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Digital Distribution and Online Resources for e-Learning

This research will help, a non-profit online streaming platform for independent Canadian film and video artworks, determine how best to serve a widening range of users and partners given growing interest prompted by COVID-19 restrictions. The primary focus will be on educational stakeholders who need online access to audio-visual resources due to significant expansion […]

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Validation of Novel, Tumor Microenvironment-targetedImmunomodulatory Biological Therapeutic

ImmunoBiochem is developing novel anti-cancer therapeutics to address unmet need in intractable solid tumors. Because solid tumors are highly heterogeneous and evasive, recognizing cancerous cells, while avoiding damage to normal tissue, is a challenge. As a result, many targeted therapies quickly come up against resistance, resulting in patient relapses. ImmunoBiochem is solving the issue of […]

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Exploring how climate change, gender, and tailored mental health services impact help-seeking and mental health outcomes among Canadian farmers

My doctoral research investigates mental health challenges of Canadian farmers, to more effectively address them. My research includes a nationwide epidemiological survey examining the prevalence and factors associated with depression, anxiety, stress, resilience, and burnout. Additionally, I conducted 75 one-on-one qualitative interviews with farmers and others in the agricultural industry to provide an in-depth understanding […]

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Moving Beyond BMI: Cardiovascular fitness as biological marker of reproductive health

The Healthcare Foundation plays an active role in improving patient experiences across Newfoundland and Labrador. The significant findings from research funded by the Healthcare Foundation helps improve the way we diagnose and treat our population. After a grant is received a board member from the foundation is updated on the findings of the research, who […]

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