Examining the Roles of Mouse Immune Cells in Liver Regeneration

The mammalian liver is known for its regenerative property, capable of fully restoring mass and function after injury. However, when this process is in disarray, chronic liver diseases occur, for which the current solution is liver transplantation. Transplantation remains an imperfect solution as the supply is limited and rejection can happen. Today, 25% of patients […]

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VAL-083 combination therapies in chemo-resistant pediatric CNS cancers

More children die from brain cancer than from any other disease in the western world. Many anti-cancer drugs are unable to cross the blood-brain barrier to reach the tumor and certain genetic mutations in the tumor cells increase resistance to chemotherapeutics. The novel chemotherapeutic drug VAL-083 readily crosses the blood-brain barrier and accumulates in brain […]

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Assessment of the Neonatal Lung Using Structural and Functional MRI – Year two

Currently available medical imaging tools, such as x-rays, are inadequate for assessing the lungs of preterm neonates. There is considerable interest in using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to monitor lung development in neonates longitudinally, since it is a non-invasive and non-ionizing imaging modality. MRI can potentially detect complications at an early stage and improve outcomes […]

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Development of a novel system to isolate vocal sources in crowded environments for individuals suffering from hearing deficits

Hearing aids are a common form of treatment for individuals suffering from a hearing impairment [1]. These devices work by collecting sound from the surrounding environment and amplifying that sound in the patient’s ear to improve hearing [2]. These devices work well under most conditions however, in noisy settings such as a busy restaurant, hearing […]

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In vitro validation of candidate therapeutic targets for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an inflammatory disorder of the lung, which is characterized by shortness of breath and progressive loss in lung function, and one that affects 2.6 million Canadians and 380 million people worldwide. The current therapies are very imprecise and none modifies disease progression or mortality. Therefore, there is a pressing […]

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High Fidelity Mixed Reality Platform for Surgical Training and Pre-Operative Rehearsal

We intend to create a novel mixed physical and virtual environment for use in resident education and surgical pre-planning. Our goal is to improve patient safety and amplify training and planning regimes with technology adjunctive to classic apprenticeship or cadaver-based education. To achieve this, we propose the creation of a mixed simulation paradigm expanding on […]

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Assessment of Myocardial Perfusion Enhancement Associated with Current Treatments for Ischemic Heart Disease Using Positron Emission Tomography

Efficient pumping function of heart depends on receiving oxygen and nutrients through heart’s specific blood vessels called coronaries. In case of coronary stenosis (e.g. plaques formation on their inner walls), the heart muscle cannot function normally and may be permanently damaged. Three treatment strategies are broadly available that include medications, coronary stent placement and coronary […]

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Optimizing G protein-coupled receptor assays for autoimmune diagnostics

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of membrane proteins and are involved in various disease including hypertension and airway diseases. With >30% of the prescription drugs targeting GPCRs, they have immense therapeutic importance. The detection of antibodies against GPCRs in these diseases has been a challenging task due to the lack of efficient […]

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The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Capacity Building Initiative for Rural Community Health Research in Northern Newfoundland and Coastal Labrador (Rural 360 Project)

Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) are widely well-established through the academic medical centers (AMCs); however, little attention has been paid to rural and remote physicians (RRPs), despite their critical role in addressing the priority health concerns of the communities. In response to this, 6for6 and Rural 360 projects have been introduced by the Memorial University of […]

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