Radiofrequency Treatment for Emphysema in Rat Model

Emphysema, a lung disease that millions of Canadians currently suffer from, has few safe and non-invasive options available. One of the features of emphysema is the lack of proper blood flow in the diseased lungs and this results in poor gas exchange. IKOMED Technologies Inc. and the two interns will test an innovative technology that […]

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Research into the Design and Development of Inclusive Digital Media Technologies

This project, a collaboration between Ryerson University and Pear Square, will be researching what would enable businesses and organizations to provide resources efficiently to students with disabilities. The outstanding issue is mainly a lack of standardized work flow methodologies that promote accessible development from the beginning stages of any project for large institutions. The research […]

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Low cost micro dispenser for general analytical or synthetic applications

The micro-dispenser serves to accurately and precisely dispense a variety of fluids in droplets with volumes in the microliter range. The micro dispensing is quite valuable as it reduces the required volume of reagents and subsequently reducing cost. Here we propose a novel micro dispensing technology based on electrowetting on dielectric (EWOD) digital microfluidic (DMF) […]

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Publishing Dis/ability and Public Access

This project will investigate the creation of an accessible digital platform that will serve as the basis for all future publications of PUBLIC as well as a model for similar organizations looking to make the transition from print to digital. Importnatly, this project centers dis/ability communities, methods, and methodologies. Not only will this research situate […]

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Development of a novel Saccharomyces yeast RNAi production and delivery platform

Heavy pesticide and antibiotic use are prevalent in modern agriculture and is an essential requirement to feed the ever-increasing human population. Their increased use, however, has also resulted in a loss of ecological biodiversity, environmental contamination, emerging pesticide/antibiotic resistance and is an economic burden to farmers, especially in low income nations. The research proposed aims […]

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A robotic end-effector for surgical tool handoff

The goal of this research project is to establish a working robotic “hand”, or gripper, that will be able to perform surgical instrument handoff to operating room staff members during surgery. This project will involve a both McGill University and Kinova, the partner organization. Kinova will benefit from this project through increased collaboration with academia, […]

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Opioid Use in Pediatric-Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have an inflamed digestive tract and experience diarrhea, fatigue, and abdominal pain. Youth with IBD are six times more likely to take opioids than youth without IBD. We are currently in the midst of an opioid crisis. In 2016, there were almost 3000 deaths related to opioid use in […]

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Development of a commercial protocol to differentiate human pluripotent stem cells into skeletal muscle progenitor cells (hPSC-SMPCs) with transplantation potential

Recent scientific breakthroughs have led to the development of methods to differentiate human PSCs (hPSCs) into skeletal muscle cells. This has allowed, for the first time, the development of cellular models to study muscle diseases such as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and the possibility to utilize these cells for cell therapy applications. However, the reliability, efficiency […]

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