Processing of Linac Produced 99Mo, and Extraction and Validation of 99mTc using a unique 99Mo/99mTc generator system

Technetium-99m (99mTc) is a radioactive substance that is used in nuclear medicine departments worldwide. This substance when made in an appropriate formulation is injected in patients and following its decay pictures of the patient can be obtained. This pictures help physicians diagnose certain diseases notably cancers and heart diseases. The government of Canada historically was […]

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SSI efficacy in treating infectious colitis

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a disease with unknown etiology that is characterized by uncontrolled intestinal inflammation and microbial dysbiosis. Qu Biologics’ Site Specific Immunomodulators (SSI) are a platform technology shown to improve the status of people living with IBD (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), with most of those patients showing clinical improvement also going […]

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Genetic profiling of disease progression in myeloma

The intern will be studying the way genetics are changed during the progression of multiple myeloma and cancers in general. The changes in the genetic profile will help understand the disease. Throughout the project, genetic alterations of chromosome ends, known as telomeres, will be analyzed through complex mathematical and computational 3D architectural softwares to predict […]

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A Pilot Project to Assess the Pharmacoeconomic Feasibility ofSubcutaneous Immunoglobulin for Neuromuscular Diseases

For the management of neuromuscular disorders (NMD), subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg) administration has become an alternate option, being a home-based alternative to conventional intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), with a comparable efficacy, minimum adverse effects and significant improvement to the quality of life. With the increased cost of healthcare management, it has become more challenging for clinicians and […]

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Preclinical proof of concept study evaluating PBI-4050 and analogs as potential treatments in the context of ischemic cardiomyopathy

The ability to impede/reduce complication of the damaged heart presents a major challenge in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Complications include heart failure, which has a high mortality even with current treatments. The use of a new drug to stimulate protection of the heart during an ongoing myocardial infarct and long term changes leading to […]

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The impact of hypernasality on the perception of prosody

Hypernasality is a speech disorders that results from excessive sound coming through the nose during speech. A speaker afflicted with hypernasality may be perceived as sounding flat and monotonous because the nasal murmur masks the inflections of the fundamental frequency (Kummer, 2008). However, the masking of prosody by the nasal murmur has not been investigated […]

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The Effective Knowledge Transfer of Novel Approaches to Understanding and Addressing the Risk Factors for Cognitive Fatigue in Wildland Firefighting Settings

Given the increased risk to fatigue in fire zone dispatchers working in wildland fire settings, and the lack of scientific literature about this topic, the purpose of this study is to create evidence-based knowledge translation tools to help address and reduce the risks for cognitive fatigue and poor decision making in wildland firefighting settings. These […]

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Stability of a commercially available phytase enzyme product during pelleting

Enzymes play an essential role in the animal nutrition industry and are used to increase the nutritional value of feedstuff, resulting in improved production cost, feed efficiency, and animal performance. Many manufacturers choose to pelleting feed, for reasons such as increased feed intake and feed efficiency. However, many enzymes become deactivated when exposed to the […]

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Investigation of Pet Owner Diets and Feeding Practices for Dogs and Cats

The role of companion animals has evolved over the years of their domestication from that of purely utilitarian hunting or working partnerships to a relationship now more closely resembling that of a family member. Unsurprisingly, trends in companion animal nutrition have begun to closely shadow trends in human nutrition, reflecting the desire of pet owners […]

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Evaluation of targeted alpha-therapy on patient-derived Glioblastoma cells

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the deadliest form of human brain tumors, systematically recurring despite multimodal treatment. As a consequence, the average patient survival is less than 15 months, and is thought to be linked with the presence of brain tumor stem cells (BTSCs) that are implicated in treatment resistance. GBM BTSCs are radiotherapy and chemotherapy […]

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CyTOF-based characterization and isolation of MDSC subsets

Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) are an unusual type of blood cell that is able to potently turn off immune responses. These cells are not normally present in healthy individuals, when a tumour is present, MDSC can block clearance of the tumour by the body’s immune defenses. A better understanding of how MDSC shut down tumour […]

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Budget Impact Analysis guidelines for submissions to provincial drug plans in Canada (Update 2018- 2019)

In the health technology assessment (HTA) process, cost- effectiveness analysis gets more attention, however over last decade, the budget impact analysis (BIA) has certainly become more important to the subsequent steps, including the adoption decision. The first Canadian BIA Guidelines was published by Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) in 2007. According to the results […]

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