Validating RSK as a molecular target for the treatment of cancer

Relapses in cancer usually result in the tumour becoming resistant to chemotherapy. This leaves a treatment gap that needs to be filled for these patients. One such cancer is triple negative breast cancer, this type of breast cancer is very aggressive with a high death rate. Dr. Sandra Dunn’s research group want to find new […]

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Define the best omega-3 fatty acid to fight prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the more common cancer affected men in developed countries. Epidemiological data suggest that omega-3 fatty acids may prevent prostate cancer initiation and progression. However, these data do not decipher which omega-3 fatty acid presents the more potent anticancer properties. SCF Pharma has developed pure and highly bioavailable omega-3 fatty acids monoglycerides. Interestingly, […]

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Obesity Research

The goal of this study is to look at the effects of healthy lifestyle on obesity status in men who are middle aged, slightly overweight and don’t exercise. This study will use exercise and nutrition guidelines to look at their effect on some of the hormones which maintain healthy body weight. Subjects enrolled in this […]

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Exploring appropriate business models for establishment of water quality monitoring service in Newfoundland and Labrador

The private water sources of the remote rural communities in Newfoundland and Labrador are under constant threat from multiple contaminations, however, there is no existing affordable and accessible laboratory facility available to monitor those water samples. Previous studies highlighted the serious long-term health and economic implications of the hidden contaminations. Therefore, there is an urgent […]

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Establishment, characterization, and directed differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells for the improved treatment and understanding of pediatric brain tumors

Brain tumors occur in one out of each four children diagnosed with cancer. Sadly, these kids are less likely to survive their disease than those diagnosed with blood cancers. The kids that do survive brain cancer often suffer from side effects of treatment, which can hamper their ability to succeed later in life. Thus, the […]

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Local in situ Controlled Delivery of Biphosphonates in Bone Metastasis

We propose to develop in collaboration with Medtronic Canada a bioceramic drug delivery system for the local controlled release of Biphosphonates (BP) – drugs that prevent bone resorption – to promote both tumor inhibition and bone regeneration at the site of bone tumor resection, eliminating the need for high systemic doses and side effects associated […]

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The role of remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) in preventing organ dysfunction following hemorrhagic shock: a translational study

Dysfunction of vital organs is one major reason why trauma victims die after sustaining a major injury, even though the organs themselves may not have been directly injured. One intervention proposed to prevent development of distant organ injury is called “Remote Ischemic Preconditioning” (RIPC), wherein application of intermittent occlusion and release of blood flow to […]

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Predicting disability benefits claim durations and Comparing actual versus expected disability benefits claim durations

The financial implications of time lost from work due to disability can be severe. Disability insurance coverage plans protect people from possible loss of income. We have found factors that predict the duration of disability benefit claims. However, it remains to be seen whether these associations are consistent. Improved understanding of modifiable factors associated with […]

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Child Strength: Supporting communities through executive functioning and early literacy strategies

It is evident that children require support for executive function and emergent literacy development to optimize their personal well-being, school, learning and life success. This project focuses on how to best support executive function [EF] and early emergent literacy [EL] acquisition for our children by providing a parent and early childcare community with strategies on […]

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iSpine: A Innovative Spine Image ProcessingToolkit

A versatile spine modeling toolkit would enable the automatic assessment of gross anomalies and the evaluation of limited regions and spine components such as vertebra and discs. The system would consist of modules for: 1) segmenting the spine; 2) modeling spinal components; 3) detecting, assessing and analyzing salient features; and 4) generating information for medical […]

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Sensors Western Operational Research and Development (SWORD)

Accurate monitoring of a patient’s vital signs – including body temperature, blood pressure, and pulse oxygenation – is central to the ability of clinicians to provide appropriate medical care. In spite of this, the standard equipment used to take these measurements is inefficient, inconvenient, and expensive. Adept Diagnostics will break into the medical device market […]

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