Evaluating the potential cardiovascular benefits of using the openPAW in persons with spinal cord injury.

In the spinal cord injured population, inactivity is wide-spread, and most causes of death in those with spinal cord injury can be improved by increasing physical activity.  Current electric wheel-chairs exacerbate inactivity in this population by performing all the work required for transportation. The new openPAW device uses bio and environmental feedback (ie. current arm […]

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A semi-automatic computer aided system for spine diagnosis

This project aims at developing a computerized system for spine diagnosis. This system will improve the efficiency and efficacy of radiologists to diagnose patients’ spine problems. The development of the system involves devising a set of tailor-made mathematical formulation. These formulation are grounded on the state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms and they are capable of capturing […]

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Does the fetal short-term variability measure RMSSD reflect the fetal inflammatory status and can RMMSD be reliably recorded using a novel ultrasound fetal heart rate monitoring system?

  A certain number of newborn babies may suffer from infection. Many of such infections go unnoticed but may have negative effects on child's health. There is currently no satisfying means to detect such babies early on. We have learned that using information contained in fetal heart beats we might better predict if a yet […]

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A Longitudinal Comparison of Aripiprazole Vs. Higher Metabolic Risk Antipsychotic Drugs on Adiposity using MRI

Antipsychotic medication is associated with a constellation of metabolic abnormalities, including weight gain, an imbalance between glucose and insulin actions, and higher than normal lipid content. In particular, adolescent psychiatric patients are at increased risk for Type II Diabetes and cardiovascular disease when undergoing therapeutic treatment. Current analysis indicates that antipsychotic drugs have differing effects […]

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Optimization of Digital Pathology Storage and Retrieval Strategy

  One of the major obstacles that hinders the adaption of the digital pathology solutions is the inadequate performance and network overload for pathology image storage and retrieval. A common technical problem is the limited bandwidth of the network and the delayed  transmission speed of digital images to the viewing station. There is an urgent […]

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Circulating Tumour Cells and prostate cancer outcome

In Canada, 25,500 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2011, and 4,100 will die of the disease. New approaches are required to predict clinical outcome and personalized management of patients. Drs. Mai and Cayre will combine their two newly developed technologies and work towards obtaining a new solid biomarker that enables the assessment […]

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Role of Fluid Redistribution in the Pathogenesis of Sleep Apnea

  Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common respiratory disorder in adult population where it increases the mortality risk. The main treatment of OSA is continuous positive airway pressure and although it is effective in most cases, many cannot tolerate it. Therefore, it is important to develop new treatments for sleep apnea. We have proposed […]

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Evaluation of in vivo Hippocampal Volume Assessment in Psychosis Patients at High Field MRI

  Schizophrenia is a serious and severe mental disorder of yet unknown etiology. Genetic, developmental and environmental factors have all been implicated in the emergence of the disorder. In particular, abnormalities in both morphology and volume of the hippocampus have been implicated in the underlying mechanisms contributing to the emergence of psychosis in schizophrenia and […]

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Atlas-based attenuation correction for PET/MRI

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) images need correction for the loss of photons. This loss, or attenuation, is due to interactions with patient tissues. Corrections are currently done with X-ray Computed Tomography (CT), however we are proposing a method whereby Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) are used. This will be done by creating an attenuation map(?-map). The construction of ?-maps can […]

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Retrospective molecular subtyping of pediatric medulloblastomas and the evaluation of BTIC gene signature in tumors with poor prognosis

Medulloblastoma is the most common brain tumor in children. It is treated with a combination of surgical resection, chemotherapy and radiation. Radiation to a child’s brain can have harmful side effects that may have implications in later development. We intend to use molecular gene expression to classify archived tumors into 4 subgroups with associated low […]

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