Non-human adenoviruses as vaccine delivery vehicles

Infectious diseases remain the major cause of death and economic losses in animals/humans. One way to reduce this is by vaccination. Unique and sophisticated biotechnology-based approaches are needed to produce safe, cost-effective, and highly efficacious vaccines. Potential benefits of these vaccines could include the induction of long lived immunity, ability to immunize newborns and induction […]

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How the XMRV virus overcomes restriction by a host’s immune system

The Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Related-Virus retrovirus (XMRV) is a gammaretrovirus of mouse origin that can infect humans and a broad range of animals. The virus was first identified in a subset and prostate cancer tumors and more recently in patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Studies estimate that between 3% and 10% of the […]

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Determination of vessel wall shear stress in the cerebral vasculature using magnetic resonance imaging and computational fluid dynamics

Our project consists of a combination of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and numerical simulations to model the blood flow dynamics in major cerebral arteries. In doing so, we hope to determine the shear stresses that are inflicted on the vessel walls of the brain, which should correlate with the vessel’s ability to dilate in response […]

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A Critical Pathway for Cardiac Defibrillators in Patients with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

Providence Health Care has established a reputation as one of the leading centres for cardiology research and treatment in Canada. Medtronic of Canada is a major supplier of therapeutic cardiac equipment, technology and implantable devices, and works closely with Providence Healthcare to advance the science of cardiac treatment. Providence Health Care and Medtronic of Canada […]

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Robust Flexible Integrated Powering System for Microelectronics

  Spinal Cord Stimulation utilizes a pacemaker like device, to deliver electrical impulses to the dorsal column of the spinal cord via an electrical lead placed in the epidural space.The electrical stimulation saturates the large nerve fibers with electrical noise masking the sensation of pain by creating a gentle tingling sensation in the area of pain. […]

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Safe Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Interventional Devices

  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-ionizing modality; therefore, there is no known damage on human tissue as opposed to ionizing imaging modalities, such as X-ray. Interventional procedures take long time and in order to prevent ionization, interventional MRI is very promising. On the other hand, there are safety concerns because of the possible temperature rise on current […]

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CT Image Optimization and Radiation Dose Reduction Strategies

  Advances in computed tomography (CT) have facilitated wider utilization and introduction of new clinical applications associated with high patient radiation dose. Subsequently, there is increasing concern for the potential long term cancer induction risks associated with increasing CT utilization bparticularly in younger women. Therefore, there is an urgent requirement to establish diagnostic CT protocols […]

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Novel MRI Technical Developments for Noninvasive Measurements of Arterial Stiffness

  Numerous evidences have shown cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure, obesity or physical inactivity, etc, to be related to heart disease. However, some risk factors remain unclear because of technical challenges from current diagnostic tools. Hardening of the arteries, one of the potential risk factors, has been regarded as the primary indicator […]

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Detection of Listeria by nanoparticle-based technology coupled with a novel fluorescence device

Listeria monocytogenes is a common food-borne pathogen that is the causative agent of listeriosis, a severe and potentially fatal condition. Current methods for detection of L. monocytogenes in food samples require multiple days due to lengthy amplification steps to aid in microbe detection. Due to the recent emergence of nanoparticle technology, however, new options are […]

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