Parenting an adult child with autism spectrum disorder: A qualitative examination of the lived experience

Parenting an adult child with autism spectrum disorder and an intellectual disability (ASD-ID) presents unique challenges, which often leads to parental distress, anxiety, depression, and uncertainty of their child’s future. To date however, there has not been an intimate, authentic account of this parental experience. Moreover, this strength-based approach will provide an important addition to […]

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Towards creating intelligent heat stress monitoring and management solutions to safeguard health and wellness

The scientific challenge for this research project is to advance our understanding of the impacts of heat stress in heat vulnerable workers and to use this information towards the creation of intelligent heat stress monitoring and management solutions to safeguard health and wellness. Currently, our understanding of the effects of heat exposure on vulnerable individuals […]

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Fall and injury prevention in older adults to position Schlegel Villages as‘Safety Innovators’

As a result of the baby boomer generation, an increasing proportion of Canada’s population is now comprised of older adults / senior citizens. Increased numbers of these older adults are living in private Retirement Homes, and these consumers are emphasizing resident safety programs/policies when deciding between facilities. Towards providing state-of-the-science care for their residents, the […]

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Analyzing cognitive-motor function through the development of portable tools

Cognitive and motor dysfunction are hallmark impairments of neurologically impaired populations such as those suffering from a traumatic brain injury, or persons with Parkinson’s disease. Common symptoms experienced by these populations are deficits in planning and decision making, as well as deficits in balance. These symptoms are not, however, limited to impaired populations but can […]

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The effects of One to Zero Technique on neural function, health and well-being

The one-to-Zero (OTZ) Tension Adjustment is a chiropractic technique which corrects articular dysfunction of the articulation between the skull and the top vertebrae of the neck, also called the atlas. The goal of this study is to determine whether correcting dysfunction using OTZ affects brain processes and overall health and well-being. Participants will complete questionnaires […]

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Developing the Microsoft HoloLens for cognitive-motor dual-tasking.

People living with a disease or injury that affects their brain face daily challenges related to impaired cognitive function – including memory, reasoning, planning, and problem solving – and motor function particularly during tasks that concurrently challenge cognitive and motor function, such as grocery shopping, navigating new or busy environments, or simply having a conversation […]

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Technology innovations in Wheelchair Sport measurement and analysis

This project will assess the game demands of wheelchair court sports. While this has been attempted in the past, new methods using inertial measurement units (IMU) allow each push to be identified and offer new ways to analyze these game demands and connect them to key performance metrics. With the help of Own the Podium, […]

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Computer Lenses and Sex Influence on Shoulder-Neck Discomfort and Musculoskeletal Mechanisms in University Students Identifying as Laptop Users

Adults exposed to screens for prolonged periods of time have complained of shoulder-neck discomfort. Ergonomic solutions can help prevent the development of computer work-related pains later on in life as young adults move on to careers in an office or administrative setting. Many computer users have also expressed eye strain. As a response, ergonomic computer […]

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Evaluating dining improvements in Schlegel Villages

This project is focused on evaluating dining improvements being implemented by the partner organization, Schlegel Villages (SV). The first study involves one SV where the CHOICE+ Program is currently being piloted. CHOICE+ is a team-based approach to making physical and psychosocial improvement. The team is guided by Champions to make these changes over time; changes […]

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Evaluation of Cycling Education Programs

Fewer children are walking or bicycling to school than ever before. Programs promoting active transport to school may increase physical activity in children’s lives and allow opportunities for independent mobility. Programs may be funded by municipal and provincial governments, or other stakeholders, but on the whole typically lack evaluation. In this project we focus on […]

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An Examination of Early Childhood Educators’ (ECEs) Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Risk Tolerance for Outdoor Play Among Young Children in Childcare

Playing outdoors in exciting, risky activities has been shown to positively impact the health of children. However, children are often restricted from engaging in this type of play due to safety concerns. Educating adults who care for children about the importance of outdoor risky play is an important step to help improve children’s opportunities for […]

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Advancing Human Performance in the Canadian Football League

North American professional football players struggle with mental health challenges such as addiction and depression during and following their athletics careers. Despite the fact that these athletes value positive emotional, psychological, and social mental health, little is known about ways organisations can protect and promote these parts of athletes’ mental health. Therefore, the purpose of […]

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