A comparison of finite element model-predicted brainstem strains between injurious and non-injurious laboratory reconstructed football impacts

Studies of concussive events have shown that the response of the brain during an impact may not be the most reliable predictor of concussion, since the injury may be more closely related to the forces affecting the brainstem. A laboratory crash test protocol was developed to simulate player-to-player collisions in contact sports using crash test […]

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The Effects of Mild Bilateral Jugular Vein Compression on Cerebrovascular Physiology

This project will investigate the effects of using the Q collar to apply gentle pressure to the jugular veins of the neck to monitor changes in brain (cerebrovascular) physiology during exercise and postural changes. Specifically we will investigate changes in brain blood flow velocity, relative changes in blood volume and oxygen levels, and changes in […]

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Altitude & Heat – environmental synergies to optimize human performance

The environmental stress of altitude and heat have both been shown to elicit divergent adaptive responses and are used by elite athletes to augment training adaptation and subsequent performance.   Indeed, 3-4 weeks at moderate altitudes can increase the body’s natural erythropoietin (EPO) responses, raising hemoglobin by 4-6% and enhancing endurance performance.  Conversely, as little as […]

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Determining the effects of gating modifier compounds on cultured central nervous system neurons as potential therapeutics against epilepsy.

Voltage-gated sodium channels are key contributors to excitability in living organisms; hence, modulation of these channels through mutations and/or environmental triggers can often lead to serious disorders. Having an enriched understanding of the sodium channel electrophysiology may result in uncovering potential therapeutic targets. The general aims of our research include studying the effects of various […]

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Assessing traumatic brain injury knowledge and awareness at community organizations serving women who have experienced intimate partner violence

It is clear that TBI affects a large proportion of survivors of IPV, yet the supports and services provided to this population typically do not take TBI into account. Gaining a better understanding of the barriers and facilitators to TBI knowledge and awareness for staff working in this sector and using this knowledge to inform […]

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The effect of a topical analgesic on neuromuscular endurance and pain

It has been shown that topically applied gels, which contain menthol, result in a cooling sensation and reduce the sensation of pain. Because neuromuscular endurance activity leads to sweating and muscle pain we seek to discover the effect of BioFreeze on various forms of neuromuscular endurance activity and muscle soreness. This discovery will require 3 […]

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Having a pulse for the group: An app-based approach to collecting multiple time-point longitudinal data

The goal of the project is to evaluate and refine an app-based questionnaire that provides a multi-faceted assessment of the social dynamics and culture of teams and organizations. This partnership and multi-phase project with VictoryLab involves (a) systematically examining and refining their questionnaire items to ensure their app-based assessment tool provides valid and reliable insights […]

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Characterizing use of the Vancouver public bike share system through 2018

Public bikeshares intend to provide an active, accessible, environmentally friendly and compact transportation alternative—particularly useful for travelling short distances and the “last mile” of a trips to and within a busy, dense urban core. In 2016 Vancouver launched a public bikeshare. Vancouver’s climate, culture, and bike route system provides a strong foundation for success, but […]

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Action Research on Youth Physical Literacy in Recreation

Physical literacy means developing the foundational skills and the confidence required to participate in regular physical activity, play a sport or get to the podium. Research shows that physical activity levels start to decline as children enter into adolescence. Recreation organizations, such as YMCA Calgary are interested in finding out how their programs help support […]

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Validation and Usability Analysis for a Return to Work Software Platform

Benefit payments totaled 2.5 billion dollars for Ontario workplaces in 2015. The most common injury resulting in occupational lost time claims is a strain or sprain. These injuries indicate that despite massive efforts to reduce musculoskeletal injuries in Canadian workplaces, these issues are still a prominent source of disability and have an associated $2.5 billion […]

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