Phase II: Genomics and Lipid Studies for Flavour Selection in Pork

The hog industry in Manitoba is a very efficient means of converting grains and pulses into high quality protein. Fresh pork is a healthy and nutritious source of protein, yet demand remains static. One of the main reasons cited by consumers for not choosing pork is the absence of good taste in modern pork. The […]

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Microbial modifying properties of iodinated water in animal production

The iodination of water has been identified as a means to improve animal performance, particularly in the poultry industry. Iodine has been used as an antimicrobial agent under several applications, however, it is unclear how water iodination results in improved animal performance. We hypothesize that iodinated water can improve performance either by reducing pathogen load, […]

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Characterization of the colloidal properties of concentrated casein micelles and improvement of the functionality of concentrated milk products using membrane filtration – Year 2

Whey proteins in milk are detrimental to the rennet-induced coagulation of milk. In this project, we will use microfiltration membrane technique to concentrate the milk and to remove whey proteins. A process called diafiltration (DF) will also be used to further remove whey proteins by adding water to the MF concentrated milk and then filtered. […]

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Determination of nutritional values of freeze-dried berry products

Berries are rich sources of nutrients that can offer health benefits to consumers. Short growing season and shelf life are limit factors and a large amount of fresh berries have to be processed. Freeze drying is a rapid and low-temperature technique that can maximally retain the nutritional values and flavors of berry products. The influence […]

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Cultural Food Security: Building connections and capacities for new immigrants in Nova Scotia

Recent immigrants and refugees to Canada bring knowledge and skills that strengthen the economies, sociocultural aspects, and food systems of their new communities. However, challenges associated with being a newcomer, including access to culturally preferred foods compounds food insecurity – inadequate or insecure access to food due to financial constraints – experienced by new immigrants. […]

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ABHD6 as a novel drug target for obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NASH) and cardiovascular disease (CVD)

Obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2D) and heart diseases have skyrocketed. Controlling glucose usage and insulin balance can substantially decrease the morbidity and improve the quality of life in affected individuals. Dysfunctional insulin action and energy balance in the body is associated with excessive non-adipose fat storage, particularly in the liver, and elevated circulating lipids, which […]

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Investigation of the microbial harbouring quality of stainless and galvanized steel, fibreglass and plastic drains and various drain designs in a food or beverage processing environment

Wastewater drains and drainage systems have been identified as a potential source of microbial contamination in animal, food and beverage processing facilities, which potentially lead to contamination of product and negative downstream public health and economic consequences. Of particular concern are well-known food borne pathogens Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella, which form biofilms on surfaces that […]

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NMR analysis of the enzymatically produced propylene glycol mono- and di- esters of canola oil

Emulsifiers as multifunctional additives can develop low-caloric, high-quality foods. Beside the monoacylglycerols (MAGs), or mixtures with diacylglycerols (DAGs), propylene glycol (1,2-propanediol) esters (PGEs) are the commonly used emulsifiers in the food industry. Emulsifiers are currently produced using costly and environmentally unfriendly “enzyme in solvent” systems and also have some shortcomings in certain food applications. This […]

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