Développement d’un prototype pour séquestrer le CO2 à la cheminée d’un grand émetteur par carbonatation minérale de résidus miniers de silicate de magnésium

Suite au protocole de Kyoto (1997), l’impact des gaz à effet de serre (CO2) sur les changements climatiques est devenu une préoccupation mondiale. Les industries comme les raffineries, aciéries et cimenteries sont l’une des principales sources de richesse et d’emplois au Canada. Indispensable à l’économie du pays mais parallèlement grandes émettrices de CO2 leur arrêt […]

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Caractérisation in situ du parc à rejet de Joutel en vue de l’implantation d‘une technique de stabilisation/solidification

L’interaction entre les sulfures contenus dans les rejets miniers, l’eau et l’oxygène peut mener à la formation du phénomène du drainage minier acide (DMA) si le potentiel de neutralisation de ces rejets est insuffisant pour contrer l’acidité produite. Le DMA est caractérisé par une acidité élevée et des concentrations en métaux importantes. Il existe plusieurs […]

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Utilisation de bois raméal fragmenté pour faciliter la recolonisation forestière sur roches stériles d’une mine d’or

Pour rétablir l’écosystème forestier sur roches stériles minières, la recolonisation naturelle à partir de la forêt environnante présente plusieurs avantages. Mais l’établissement des essences forestières requiert des conditions qui font défaut aux roches stériles. Du fait de leur manque en matière organique, ces substrats dégradés manquent de nutriments, d’eau, et d’organismes du sol. L’utilisation d’un […]

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Indigenous Co-Led Reclamation Research Project

This project will assist Suncor Energy Inc. (Suncor) and Fort Mckay First Nation bring a Suncor mine site back to its original ecological state and environmental functions. To best achieve this, Fort Mckay First Nation and Suncor will work together to ensure the new restored site will support the traditional practices of Fort Mckay First […]

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Automotive detection of urban features from multi-scale imagery using Deep Learning

Mobility is an essential component of routine life for everyone. Walking and biking are two major transportation modes that help residents meet most or all of their daily needs. However, several mobility-related challenges occur as a result of weak maintenance of urban infrastructure such as sidewalks, bike lanes, and trails, which can decrease the safety […]

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The nexus of high frequency, big, and long-term data – catalysing new opportunities to support drinking water treatment

Within the prairies, water treatment brings unique challenges. Source waters are often nutrient rich, and within lakes, this can lead to enhanced cyanobacterial bloom risk, and elevated dissolved organic matter leading to production of disinfection by-products. There are myriad challenges, which can be supported by improved understanding of source waters, and improved technology supporting decisions […]

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A mass balance modelling framework for chemicals and their primary metabolites for ecological and human health assessment – Year two

Chemicals manufactured and used in society degrade through physical and biological processes (e.g., photolysis, biotransformation) into break-down products (e.g., metabolites). Most “parent” chemicals can breakdown relatively quickly so that they are not persistent or bioaccumulative; however, some metabolites formed during the degradation processes can persist in the environment thus requiring consideration for ecological and human […]

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Pollinator Steward Certification Program

The role of the intern will be assisting with the development, implementation, and evaluation of the Pollinator Steward Certification program in the Province of Ontario. In addition, research undertaken by the intern will seek to assess alignment of stewardship training with expected certification outcomes and current evidence of good practice as well as develop a […]

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The effects of grapevine microclimate manipulations on Pinot Gris glycoside aroma compound abundance and diversity

This research project is a partnership between The Wine Islands Grower’s Association, and the University of Victoria. The goal of the project is to better understand how vineyard management techniques effect wine grape quality prior to wine processing. Pinot gris is the most important white wine varietal grown on Vancouver Island and throughout British Columbia. […]

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Indirect effects of predator control: Examining predator habitat selection and competitive interactions following wolf control in northeastern Alberta

Global demand for natural resources is resulting in unprecedented landscape change. In northeastern Alberta, woodland caribou persistence is threatened by habitat loss associated with natural resource extraction, and increased predaiion by grey wolves as a result, due to their ability to capitalize upon landscape disturbance via increased movement on linear features. Wolf control via culling […]

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A New Way Forward: Using Biocultural Approaches to Conservation in Key Biodiversity

Canada is a signatory to global conservation agreements to increase the number and coverage of protected areas in the country. Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) are a science-based planning tool that can help governments, industry, environmental groups and Indigenous Nations target the right places to protect in terms of habitat for wildlife and to ensure these […]

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