Adapting methods for assessing the impacts of innovation support programs for application to Canada’s clean energy innovation ecosystem

This research project is being undertaken in partnership with The Evidence Network Inc. It will extend the company’s scientifically-based method of assessing the impact of innovation support programs to the clean energy innovation sector. To keep this kind of assessment method scientifically sound requires customization for each particular industry. The established methods have been widely […]

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Credit Union Marketplace Lending Business Models

Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter and IndieGoGo have developed at an exponential rate and have been used to develop a variety of artistic, commercial and social ventures. Alongside this marketplace lending has provided retail-level people the opportunity to lend money to each other using platforms such as Lending Club and Prosper. In 2014, in the […]

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Innovative Financing for Energy Access – The Role of Finance and Energy Service Companies in Promoting Energy Development

The proposed postdoctoral research focuses on addressing the challenges associated with energy access in developing countries as well as promoting energy-independent communities in Canada in a bid to promote sustainable development. The study would investigate a consortium-like financing model for small and medium scale renewable energy projects in which energy service companies are financed by […]

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Recommendations for Improving Wetland Compensation in Nova Scotia: Investigating Wetland Significance and Function for the Basis of Reclamation

Atlantic Gold is preparing to start construction for an open pit mine near the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia. However, significant wetlands will have to be altered to complete this construction. The current policies regarding wetland alteration and compensation in Nova Scotia focus on area. For example, if 25 hectares of wetland are to be […]

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Life Cycle Assessment of Diesel Fuel Production from Woody Biomass in Nova Scotia

As concerns grow globally about resource scarcity and the impacts of climate change, there is greater need to develop alternative energy systems to support our economic activities. As new technologies are developed, there is also a need to fully understand their potential environmental benefits and impacts so we can make design improvements and so governments […]

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Rethinking Seafood Production: Developing Sustainable Communities with Land-Raised Fish

Tides Canada strives to connect researchers and initiatives across the Canada to take on tough social and environmental challenges. The program support of Tides Canada will bring high-level research from the three interns under the guidance of Mark Roseland, an expert in sustainable community development. Our collaboration will unveil new resources for Tides Canada?s community […]

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Development, application, and testing of an environmental fate model for assessing wastewater remediation capacity of treatment wetlands

The development of the oil sands has led to a large consumption of freshwater in Canada. The wastewater that is produced is contaminated with many industrial pollutants leading the provincial government of Alberta to issue a “zero-discharge” policy for untreated wastewater. This project will investigate treatment wetlands as an option for reclaiming oil sands-related wastewater. […]

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Surface Rights in the Dasiqox Tribal Park

Just months the June 2014 the Supreme Court of Canada decision granting partial title to the Tsilhqot’in First Nation’s land claim, the communities of Xeni Gwet’in and Yunesit’in, with support form the Tsilhqot’in National Government, declared another traditional area, just beyond the granted claim, as the Dasiqox Tribal Park. The surface area of the new […]

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