Improving avalanche forecasts in data-sparse areas with physical snowpack modelling

Assessing dangerous avalanche conditions requires a reliable stream of weather and snowpack data, which can be difficult and expensive to collect in many remote areas of Canada. Snowpack conditions can be simulated in these areas by coupling weather forecast models with physical snowpack models, however, this method has had limited adoption by avalanche forecasters. The […]

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Integrating Digital Design + Prefabrication Processes into Calgary-based Architecture and Design Firms (continued)

Many architecture and design firms in Calgary have a strong desire to incorporate parametric software (BIM) and digital manufacturing (CAD-CAM) technologies into their design processes in order to meet evolving client demands, regulatory requirements, and sustainability performance targets. These are necessary criteria that constitute high-quality built environments capable of meeting the needs of multiple stakeholders […]

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Addressing Energy Poverty in British Columbia’s Rural and Indigenous Communities

Rural and indigenous communities in Canada experience energy poverty due to poor quality housing, lower incomes, high fuel costs, limited access to natural gas, and in some cases no access to grid electricity. Ecotrust Canada’s Community Energy Initiative seeks to address Energy Poverty by improving access to affordable heat in rural and indigenous communities across […]

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Sustainable Funding Models for Watershed Co-Governance

This research project will analyze different funding options for watershed co-governance in the Nicola River watershed in British Columbia. There are ongoing efforts in the Nicola River watershed to develop and implement a co-governance structure involving the Province of BC and five Nicola First Nations. These efforts are made possible by short-term funding that is […]

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Arctic-Nesting Bird Monitoring and the Impacts of Mining Disturbances

Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd. has proposed the Whale Tail Project, approximately 130km North of Baker Lake, NU. The project includes the construction a dyke within Whale Tail Lake that will divert water from the proposed mining pit into the surrounding lakes and tributaries, resulting in flooding that will elevate the water levels by 4 m […]

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Use of remote sensing for eelgrass mapping in James Bay

The project is part of an ongoing program led by the Niskamoon Corporation that aims to develop a bay-scale monitoring program for eelgrass beds in James Bay (Eeyou Istchee). The Niskamoon Corporation is a not-for-profit organization that provides an efficient framework for cooperation between the Cree people and Hydro-Québec, enabling the implementation of the Cree/Hydro-Québec […]

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Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) embryo development and population assessment in the Tobique River Basin: potential for impacts from industry activities

Atlantic Salmon populations are steadily declining in the Saint John River system, with environmental, physical, and biological factors likely acting cumulatively. The Tobique River catchment is a major spawning area for Atlantic Salmon in northwestern NB and features industrial land-use practices adjacent to rivers, including glyphosate-based herbicide spraying from silviculture operations and linear power-corridor maintenance. […]

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Characterizing the concentration and makeup of microplastics in wastewater effluent and stormwater overflows to the Ottawa and Rideau Rivers and evaluating microplastic removal in wastewater streams with a newly developed mesh sock.

The research aims to examine the amount and type of microplastics in wastewater streams entering the Ottawa River. As wastewater treatment has been identified as one of the main conduits of microplastics to freshwater environments, the research will sample both wastewater effluent and combined sewer overflows to get a better understanding on how many, and […]

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