Mapping of contaminants of emerging interest in Quebec City water sources

Pharmaceuticals are important to lead the healthy life in the current world. However, continuous and huge use of these pharmaceuticals led to constant release in the environment and in particular in water sources. And also, low absorption and metabolism of pharmaceuticals in humans and animals led to their continuous entry into the environment via feces […]

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Biovalorization of lobster by-product for applications in food safety and packaging

The waste/by-products generated from lobster processing are rich in valuable compounds, one of which is chitin/chitosan. Chitosan is a natural polymer that has wide ranging applications in several fields ranging from agriculture to cosmetics. Specifically, the ability of chitosan to act against pathogenic microbes is of interest in this study. The aim of this project […]

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Impact of Climate Change on Wetlands in Prairie Canada

Prairie wetlands are intricately linked with climate and hydrology. Future climate change, such as warmer conditions, changes in precipitation amount and intermittency, may both benefit and threaten the wetlands over the Canadian Prairies. During the same time, large-scale land use changes have been occurring such as the conversion of natural wetlands to agriculture lands. Understanding […]

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Drivers of woodland caribou calf survival in the Rocky Mountain foothills: a landscape with anthropogenic disturbance and multi-carnivore predation risk

Throughout western Canada, declines in woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus) continue at unprecedented rates. Caribou calves are especially vulnerable in their first four weeks of life, after the calving period. During this time, mother caribou must effectively select habitat that is rich in food resources, but also minimizes likelihood of predation. In the Rocky Mountains of […]

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Population estimation and interaction of non-native predators with Atlantic salmon

Possible interactions between smallmouth bass and chain pickerel (non-native predators) and Atlantic salmon smolt will be examined. Predation pressure on Atlantic salmon smolt by these non-native predators will be studied using a population estimate of smallmouth bass and chain pickerel as well as a stomach content survey of the non-native predators. Reliance on Atlantic salmon […]

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Evaluation of the effectiveness of different interventions on reducing recycling contamination in multi-family buildings in Vancouver

Recycle BC, a not-for-profit organization responsible for British Columbia’s packaging and paper products recycling is conducting a pilot project on reducing recycling contamination (ie. wrongly-placed recyclable and non-recyclable materials in different recycling streams) in multi-family buildings (eg. apartments, townhouses). The goal is to determine which intervention will cause multi-family building residents to reduce their recycling […]

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Evaluating Sustainable Governance for Non-Profit Organizations in Rural Canada

Non-profit organizations play an increasingly important role in rural regions. Yet, these organizations are chronically lacking in capacity, including being both understaffed and underfinanced, as well as having high turnover rates and loss of institutional memory as a result. This research project aims to explore how non-profit organizations and charities in rural communities deliver their […]

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Effectiveness of vegetation and habitat characteristics as predictors of insect parasitoid populations

Climate change, land development, invasive species, and other disturbances can alter the composition, structure, and functions of native vegetation across landscapes. These disturbances also impact insect parasitoids, which are a key, and often overlooked, component of biodiversity. By their ability to control other insect populations, they are integral for fostering resilient and functional forests. Understanding […]

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Toward a Cross-Cultural Ethics for Human-Caribou Engagement

This project will use ethnographic and community-based participatory research methods to develop a cross-cultural, community-driven ethical model for caribou research, management, and conservation in and around La Ronge, SK. The project will contribute to caribou work already underway between the partner organization, Prince Albert Model Forest (PAMF), and Lac La Ronge Indian Band (LLRIB), e.g. […]

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A new rapid method for clay, silt and sand-sized mineral particle size measurements of soils and soil products

Information on the proportions of clay, silt and sand-sized mineral particles in soils and in soil products used for construction is critical for understanding their physical and chemical properties and for their proper use and management. However, these soil mineral particles are usually glued together with inorganic cements (calcium carbonate, iron and aluminum oxides/hydroxides) and […]

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Building a National Ocean Literacy Strategy

This collaborative, pan-Canadian and consultation-based research project will develop an ocean literacy strategy for Canada with the aim of elevating Canadians understanding of the importance of ocean health and their capacity to participate in ways that promote a sustainable ocean ecosystem and economy. The interns will respectively coordinate the overall national consultation process (pdf#1), facilitate […]

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