Research and Policy Analysis for the Arctic Sustainable Energy Futures Toolkit Project

The Arctic Sustainable Energy Futures Toolkit will be a print and web-based guide for communities to follow when developing their comprehensive community energy plans. This step-by-step toolkit will transfer knowledge using best practices, resource guides, case studies, videos, worksheets, and templated pathways to help communities create and implement their energy visions. In addition, the Toolkit […]

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Enabling and Accelerating Fragment-based Drug Discovery – An Excellent Opportunity To Combine Innovation and Education

One of the most promising strategies for discovering our future medications is via fragment-based lead discovery (FBLD). FBLD involves the screening of libraries of small molecules to first identify weak binders to essential target proteins of diseases. These binders are then synthetically matured to larger, more potent inhibitors/leads via medicinal chemistry design efforts. However, there […]

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Data Poverty Project

In many developing countries, it is very difficult to survey vulnerable groups in a way that provides reliable research findings. These surveys also only give limited insights into the experiences of these populations. This project will develop a software program that can be used to model the probability of events occurring given the estimated probability […]

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Grassland butterfly conservation and headstarting program

Grasslands are one of the most endangered habitat in North America. In Manitoba, over 90% has been lost in the last 100 years and with it a suite of prairie adapted species. The Poweshiek skipperling is one such species which in recent years has plummeted in abundance for unknown reasons. Less than 500 individuals remain […]

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Applying complex systems theory and transition management to sustainable agriculture: a case study of Mount Wolfe Farm

Repercussions of conventional large-scale agriculture have been seen in the form of environmental damage and biodiversity loss. There are sustainable alternatives; however, due to the current agricultural system there are barriers to scaling them out. By utilizing aspects of transition management, these limitations can be identified and frameworks can be built to address them. This […]

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Swishwash Island Tidal Marsh Restoration

This project focuses on physical and biological elements of small tidally influenced marsh channels on Swishwash Island in the central arm of the Lower Fraser River Estuary. In addition to fish data; marine invertebrate, vegetation, sediment, and toporgraphic data will also be collected and analyzed. This will provide insight into the practise of monitoring tide […]

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Climate Services to Support Adaptation of the Caribbean Tourism Sector

The Caribbean tourism sector is critically important to the Caribbean economy and highly sensitive to climate change and its impacts. Climate-sensitive industries are exploring how to make best use of outputs of climate models, weather forecasting tools and early warning systems as strategies to boost their viability as climate change intensifies. Tools such as these […]

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Nutrient balances (phosphorus and nitrogen) in Lake St. Charles, Quebec, and the evaluation of effectiveness of remediation scenarios for nutrient reductions on the lake’s water quality

Lake St. Charles is the primary drinking water reservoir of Quebec City, Canada, providing water to about 300,000 people. Over the past decade, several occurrences of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) bloom have been recorded, affecting the quality of water in this strategic reservoir. Evaluation of observed data collected over the past decade indicates that the water […]

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Overcoming Barriers to Sustainable Purchasing: A Case Study of Avocado Co-op

In order to meet global climate change goals, it is necessary for consumers to shift their preferences for products towards more sustainable and eco-friendly options. Two common barriers that consumers experience when purchasing green products are: 1) perceived difficulty of buying green, and 2) skepticism about the quality of green brands. Avocado Co-op is attempting […]

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Evaluating the impacts of landscape development on carnivore activity patterns and species interactions

Understanding the impacts of human-driven disturbance on carnivore communities is an important step for prioritizing conservation decisions and managing land-use policies. Disturbances such as landscape development may influence how species structure their activity periods over the 24-hour cycle and potentially compromise the capacity for competitors to avoid costly encounters with each other. Few studies to […]

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