Perception of terrain characteristics in professional heli-ski guides

In the backcountry, the best powder skiing can be found in terrain that is susceptible to snow avalanches. Travelers are responsible for managing this threat by choosing terrain that will minimize this threat, and they must strike a balance between minimizing risk and finding an enjoyable skiing experience. Perception plays a fundamental role when selecting […]

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Georeferencing oblique imagery for vegetation analysis

To responsibly manage forest resources in southwestern Alberta, it is important to understand the disturbance regimes they have experienced in the past, are experiencing now, and are likely to experience in the future. The Mountain Legacy Project has several thousand repeat photographs which show areas of the mountains and foothills of the Rockies a century […]

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Modelling the effects of industrial disturbance and predation risk on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) seasonal habitat selection in the boreal forest of Alberta, Canada

My master’s project in partnership with InnoTech Alberta will be assessing potential effects of industrial activity from in-situ oil and gas extraction on carnivore and white-tailed deer populations in northeastern Alberta. Deer populations have been increasing for the past fifty years and two of the leading causes are attributed to climate change and human disturbance. […]

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A Collaborative Research Project by a Community of Practice on Harnessing Renewable Green Energy in Sustaining Community Greenhouse at Haliburton, Ontario

As part of the Masters of Arts in Sustainability Studies Program at Trent University, the graduate intern will engage in a community-based research group that looks into the local community needs at Haliburton, Ontario. Specifically, the graduate intern will work with a host partner organization, Abbey Gardens Community Trust, to understand the local food security […]

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Salt marsh carbon storage and accumulation rate in Boundary Bay, Delta, British Columbia

Salt marshes are intertidal ecosystems found on sheltered temperate marine coastlines which are known to provide a range of ecosystem services. These services include storm surge and flood protection, and carbon storage, which have been identified as valuable services to help coastal communities prepare for and fight against climate change. Salt marshes are good sinks […]

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Selenium fractionation and speciation in surface mine

This project will deal with the detection, the fractionation and the quantification of selenium in its many forms (elemental form or in the form of selenide (Se2-), selenate (SeO4 2-), or selenite (SeO3 2-)) in mining waters. Dissolved and total recoverable Se will be quantified by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Quantitative Se speciation […]

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Towards understanding adoption of Carsharing

Carsharing is a service where members have access to a fleet of shared vehicles distributed across a city. Members can book a vehicle when needed, allowing for the convenience of vehicle ownership while reducing the need to own private vehicles. The two primary forms of carsharing are a free-floating or free floating model, where users […]

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Exploring action plans for enhancing community sustainability in Baie Verte

The mining industry forms an integral part to the economy of Newfoundland and Labrador. The island of Newfoundland is particularly important to the NL mining industry, as it houses several active mining operations, as well as minerals exploration and developments in several areas including the Baie Verte peninsula. As mining operations are noted as impacting […]

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A stakeholder analysis of outreach opportunities to support low-carbon smart transitions for transit modernization

Transportation that uses green energy is environmentally friendly and helps to reduce greenhouse gas emission. But there is a tension between the stakeholders, policy makers and public on their economic return, policy implementation and perception on innovation in technology in transit respectively. Analysis on outreach opportunities to support transit modernization in to green technology will […]

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Evaluating the Societal Effects of Participatory Processes

Over the past 5 years, Suncor Energy has invested in the Energy Futures Lab, the Engineering Change Lab, the Getting to Maybe social innovation program, the Suncor Energy Foundation Gathering, and most recently, the Turtle Island Institute. All of these initiatives are designed to transform whole systems in rapidly changing environments in partnership with diverse […]

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Multiscale In-Silico Screening of OLEDs: Simulating the Formation of Organic Glasses and Computation of Optoelectronic Properties

Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) are thin layers of organic chemicals with that emit light. As a novel form of technology, OLEDs can be used to manufacture flexible and ultrathin visual screens for mobile phones and televisions. They are extremely efficient; they produce very bright lights while producing very little heat. Designing better and cheaper […]

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