Electric bus demonstration and integration trail

Electrification of transit vehicles is a part of Ontario’s long-term strategy to reduce transportation-related GHG emissions. However, transit agencies and utility/local distribution companies face significant technological and operational hurdles in integrating “off the shelf” electric bus technologies. This project aims to overcome the social and technical challenges associated with a lack of international standardization for […]

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An analysis of non-structural flood-management measures in Shanghai, China

This research project will involve analyzing non-structural flood management measures in Shanghai, China – one of the world’s most flood vulnerable cities. The Chinese government has invested heavily into structural barriers to flooding, such as the Three Gorges Dam, but there is no fail-safe in times of extreme flood levels. Despite extensive research, there is […]

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Development of combined membrane filtration, electrocoagulation, and adsorption processes for treatment and reuse of laundry wastewater

The wastewater from laundries (greywater) is contaminated by several products and requires specific treatment to remove the various contaminants that are hazardous to the environment. Therefore, appropriate treatment system must be applied in order to reuse wastewater and minimize its release into the nature. The objective of this project is to develop a process for […]

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Linking avalanche danger ratings to the conceptual model of avalanche hazard

Avalanche Canada and Park Canada publish avalanche bulletins daily to provide backcountry users with information on avalanche hazard. Since 2010, Canadian bulletins follow the recently developed conceptual model of avalanche hazard (CMAH), which describes the key components of avalanche hazard and how to combine them into an overall assessment. However, the CMAH does not provide […]

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Integrated Far- and Near-Field Human Exposure Modelling for Organic Substances

While we enjoy the modern convenience brought by a multitude of man-made organic chemicals, such as surfactants and flame retardants, the exposure to these compounds, some of which are bio-accumulative, persistent and even toxic, may endanger our health. Humans are exposed to chemicals in consumer products during both product use in the indoor environment (near-field […]

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Measuring the carbon footprint of soy bean in Brazil

World population is expected to increase between 8 and 11 billion people by 2050. This growth will be accompanied by an increasing demand in food. Additionally, climate change is expected to have consequences on crop productivity because there will be changes in temperature and precipitation patterns. For that reason, there is an increasing concern over […]

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Tree to Home Scoping

This research aims to identify the challenges and opportunities that exist within and amongst First Nations communities for creating culturally appropriate and resilient housing models and local economies. It will build understanding around what is required to transform the current housing system from one that uses external labour, resources and businesses to one that promotes […]

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Assessing the Impact of Older Adults’ Casino Recreational Bus Trips

The Assessing the Impact of Older Adults Casino Recreational Bus Trips study will assist the Older Adult Centres’ Association of Ontario (OACAO) in supporting their member organizations who offer casino bus trips. The OACAO is comprised of Older Adult Centres throughout Ontario, many of which offer recreational bus trips to their clients. However, it is […]

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Local community engagement: White Butte Eco-museum Heritage Ecology Project

Ecomuseums are primarily community-based endeavors that respond to local needs while concentrating on sustainability. They help guide and develop democratic projects that focus on connections to local history and heritage, which include local physical geographic features, natural resources, natural habitats and agricultural practices. This research concentrates on creating an educational program to be delivered on […]

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Increasing Value: How Best to Recognize and Reward Fish Harvesters and Communities in Newfoundland and Labrador for Sustainable Fisheries Practices

In 2015, Canada exported $6 billion in fish and seafood. Fishing is important not only economically, but also socially, and environmentally. In order to have seafood now and into the future, sustainable development of the fisheries is important. One way to make sure that fishing is being done in this way, is to recognize and […]

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Nordegg Member source rock quality and Early Jurassic ocean redox conditions based on core analysis and organic/inorganic geochemistry

Unconventional shale gas has become a common source of hydrocarbons in the past few decades with advances in extraction techniques such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. Many hydrocarbon-bearing rocks that were once unobtainable are now available for oil and gas production; the Nordegg Member in northeastern British Columbia is one of these rocks units. […]

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Exploring home range and habitat use during the breeding season of the Bicknell’s thrush (Catharus bicknelli) in New Brunswick Clear-cuts

The Bicknell’s thrush (Cathurs bicknelli) is a rare songbird with the most restrictive breeding range in North America. The Bicknell’s thrush spends its summer months breeding in high elevation, stunted growth forests – a habitat that the species specializes in. In New Brunswick, there has been a documented population decline of 11.5% per year since […]

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