Innovative Financing for Energy Access – The Role of Finance and Energy Service Companies in Promoting Energy Development

The proposed postdoctoral research focuses on addressing the challenges associated with energy access in developing countries as well as promoting energy-independent communities in Canada in a bid to promote sustainable development. The study would investigate a consortium-like financing model for small and medium scale renewable energy projects in which energy service companies are financed by […]

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Modeling the Risks and Damages from a “Potential” Invasive Plant Species: Yellow Starthistle in British Columbia

The purpose of this research project is to forecast the timing and estimate the costs of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) invasion into southern British Columbia. Yellow Starthistle is an invasive plant that has caused tens of millions of dollars of damages to agricultural production in the United States as well as millions of dollars of […]

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Experimental and field-based validation of environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring of juvenile and resident salmonids in British Columbia streams

Determining the distribution and abundance of species is a central requirement for making sustainable resource management decisions. Ecofish, in collaboration with the University of Victoria, would like to evaluate if environmental DNA (eDNA) methods can be used to reliably detect low density salmonid species in streams, with the objective of implementing eDNA as a defensible […]

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First Nation Environmental Review and Analysis

The Government of Canada is in the process of reviewing legislation and procedures related to environmental processes, e.g. the Canadian Environmental Assessment process (CEAA) and the National Energy Board process (NEB). Indigenous groups across Canada have participated in engagement sessions, and made formal written submissions which have been made publically available. This research project will […]

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The Guelph Civic Accelerator

This project will evaluate the Civic Accelerator program in Guelph and research key features of the program. The Civic Accelerator is an innovative approach to economic development, using public sector procurement and challenge competitions to support “civic tech” entrepreneurs, startups, students and companies. This project will support the on-going development of the Civic Accelerator program […]

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Water Monitoring: Instrumentation and Software Research Project (2)

The Sustainable Water Governance and Indigenous Law Project (SWGIL) is funded by a SSHRC Partnership Grant. A key goal of the project is to create a prototype of an Indigenous-led, community-based water monitoring program. .By synthetizing modern technologies, with traditional stewardship practices, the project will empower Indigenous individuals and communities to actively engage in monitoring, […]

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Understanding the Influence of Partnership Structure on the Outcomes of Community Sustainability Plans

The intern’s study builds on an international survey previously completed in partnership with ICLEI. The study aims to test key structural features in the partnerships for implementing community sustainability plans and how these features are related to plan outcomes (i.e., sustainability progress). To study structure features, the intern will test key factors, such as partner […]

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Evaluation and improvements to quantitative models for predicting en route loss in Fraser sockeye salmon

Fraser River sockeye have become more difficult to manage due to climate change and increasing high adult in-river mortality events. Currently, managers use the difference between estimated lower river sockeye abundance at Mission hydroacoustic station and estimates of abundance attained on the spawning grounds through stock assessment; referred to as difference between estimates (DBE’s). Fraser […]

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Développement d’un outil d’analyse technico-économique des modes de restauration et évaluation de l’impact de la végétation sur le bilan d’eau des digues en stériles miniers du parc à résidus de la mine Canadian Malartica

Les mines à ciel ouvert produisent une importante quantité de rejets accumulés sur le site minier en période d?exploitation. Une fois les activités de la mine terminées, le site doit être restauré de manière à ne plus générer de contamination et à être remis dans un état visuellement acceptable. Afin d?assurer une restauration efficace des […]

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Sustainability Planning and Performance Assessment in the District of North Vancouver

The Centre for Sustainable Development at Simon Fraser University is a leader in sustainable development theory and practice. The Centre conducts sustainable development research in BC and worldwide; carries out sustainable development projects in partnership with communities and agencies, and facilitates effeicient use of university resources in responding to requests for assistance on sustainable development […]

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