Using an analog approach to improve weather forecasts for a hydroelectric energy company

Accurate weather forecasts are extremely important when managing power production athydroelectric dams. BC Hydro uses weather forecasts to predict the amount of water flowing into reservoirs due to rainstorms and snowmelt. This project develops a system that improves these weather forecasts by correcting them based on how the forecasts performed in the past. The system […]

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Management of ecosystem services of Haute Mauricie region in Quebec

Forest ecosystems are not only a source of timber, it also provides other societal benefits such as regulation of water quality, soil quality maintenance, climate regulation and pollination among many others. However, these services are not static and they change across time and space depending on the nature and extent of the changes in land […]

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Mapping Building Conditions – perhaps a bit more – for what purpose

Despite advancement in asbestos education and knowledge, there remains a shortcoming in area of management of asbestos exposure, which results in human health impact. This shortcoming was documented in a study carried out in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Alexander et al 2012). Alexander and colleagues examined the population exposed to asbestos and looked into evidence of lung […]

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Evaluating the “Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation” framework: A case study of the Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable management plan

The Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable is collaboratively developing a watershed management plan for the lower Coquitlam River, using the “Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation” framework. Developed by the Conservation Measures Partnership (a group of international NGOs), this framework is intended to guide the design and implementation of conservation projects using an integrative approach […]

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Multi-Service IPv6 Networking for Metering, Distribution Automation and Future Applications: Capacity Evaluation

This project studies network capacity and throughput for newly emerging MSGN infrastructure including mesh planning strategies and how the number of hops and end-devices affects the overall throughput. The work includes developing the analytical framework, and confirmation through simulation and physical experiment, of proof-of-concepts in the smart utility lab IPv6 RF mesh test bed. During […]

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Research of the Chemicals of Concern Within the Finished Products Sold by Teknion

This research will investigate the chemical content in the furniture sold by Teknion. The presence of chemicals of concern and their associated potential human health risks will also be determined using guidelines approved by Health Canada and other jurisdictions. The findings from this research will enable Teknion to formulate evidence based guidelines for reducing their […]

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Implementation of collaborative regional sustainable development strategies: An international study on structure and outcomes

Global and local policy makers require realistic information about options to achieve sustainable development. To this end, this research project aims to improve understanding of the institutional dynamics related to implementing community sustainability strategies and the resulting plan outcomes. Plan outcomes are the concrete sustainability improvements, linked to the goals in the community sustainability strategies […]

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