Heap leaching of refractory gold ore by integrating enhanced bio-oxidation of pyrite and chloride-based gold leaching

Gold occurs in association with pyrite and arsenopyrite in the Carlin-type gold deposit, with little gold being contained in carbonaceous materials. Extracting this gold requires pretreatment, such as pressure oxidation or roasting, to remove carbonaceous materials and sulphides, followed by the application of alkali cyanide or thiosulphate solution to leach gold. These processes are energy-intensive […]

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Investigations in real-time spinal magnetometry using magnetoencephalography (MEG) for therapeutic biofeedback

Oscillatory neuronal activity can be quantified to help diagnose states of health and disease in the brain. These activities change on a fast time scale of milliseconds, which can only be captured by direct measurement of the brain’s electromagnetic activity. This is accomplished utilizing MEG and EEG technology, which can measure non-invasively these fast changes […]

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Game private networks and game server performance emulation and evaluation

This infrastructure will allow new servers to be automatically deployed and configured for use as private game servers, while also monitoring their performance and usage statistics. By using the novel predictive models, which are to be developed in this proposed project, new virtual servers will be automatically created and added when the traffic levels require […]

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Foundation design system for FortisBC’s power poles

Traditional design method for the foundation of the transmission poles simply assigns a standard set of depths based on the length and diameter of poles. Although, this method has proven to be conservative and reliable, but it does not incorporate site-specific soil properties, water table, and weather conditions in its calculations. As a result, a […]

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3-D UAV Magnetometry for Improved Target Characterization in Mineral Exploration

Geophysical exploration is one of the primary forms of preliminary site investigation used to characterize ore potential and the economic viability of newly discovered mineral deposits. The current platforms for collecting magnetic data include dense coverage but low resolution airborne surveys and high resolution but low coverage terrestrial surveys. The recent proliferation of Unmanned Aerial […]

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CryoDrive: The effects that implementation of cryogenic engines would have on underground mining processes

Cryogenic engines, such as the Dearman engine, produce work and substantial cooling with zero emissions at the point of use, due to their liquid nitrogen ?fuel? supply. Background work has shown that technically, (power, turn down ratio, responsiveness, torque), there are few identifiable factors that would prevent this type of engine from being very effective […]

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Smart fusion of multi-sensors for UAVs Navigation

Nowadays, there is a rapid increase in the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for commercial and civil applications. Fully autonomous or remotely controlled UAVs requires a reliable and continuous navigation system providing meter level accuracy. The cost, size, and power demand of navigation systems providing this level of accuracy preclude their use on commercial […]

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Prototype of a CHP system based on an upgraded gravity-feed wood-pellet furnaceintegrated with a steam-powered micro turbine for small- to mid-scale applications usingCFD simulation and experimental 2

Biomass combustion is used to generate combined heat and power (CHP). The combustion furnace of this study (WiseWay) has been providing heat in small scales using wood pellets. The target of this project, however, is to upgrade the stove’s design (for larger scale purposes and other biomass types) and integrate it with a steam microturbine […]

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Agent-based scheduling in community health care

In this project, the intern will design a community health care scheduling system for the allocation of home visits to care givers in community health care. The system adopts an agent-based distributed system architecture which take patients scheduling preferences on time, location and care givers into account when assigning care givers to home visit appointments. […]

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Fast and robust real-time precise point positioning

Current real-time precise point positioning (PPP) systems still suffer significant challenges. One is its long position convergence time necessary before precise position solutions become obtainable. Another is its sensitivity to the loss/latency of high-frequency precise orbit and clock corrections, resulting in degraded performance. Those challenges have limited PPP’s adoption in many applications. This project aims […]

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Validation of a Machine Vision-based System for the Recognition of Indian Coins

Counting coins, with speed and accuracy, has been a challenging issue for banks and stores. People used to count coins manually before the arrival of coin counting machines. The process of counting coins manually is a very time consuming and tedious job. Moreover, mistakes are likely to occur due to various reasons such as fatigue, […]

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