SmogStop Barrier Testing

Sound barriers can be seen beside highways across Ontario and are designed to protect residents from the noise produced by traffic. However, these barriers do little in the way of protecting residents from the pollution produced by nearby vehicles. This project combines a novel sound barrier design with a new pollution control technology that will […]

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Interactive Agent-based eLearning Environment

Mentorina is launching an intelligent learning system that helps teachers observe, measure, and improve each student’s individual performance in the classroom. Teachers can design individualized assignments or exams and through cognitive and metacognitive assessments, they can accurately measure how quickly students are learning the material and can determine each student’s level of comprehension. Through an […]

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Can Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) developments in Northwestern BC contribute to social and financial sustainability in First Nations communities?

This thesis seeks to investigate initiatives that address the enhancement of benefits to indigenous people in northwestern BC while minimizing socioeconomic effects from LNG construction phase developments through to operations. Detailed education, training, employment, housing, health, mobility and business aspirations data and information from one community provides an example of the necessary detailed information is […]

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GPN-EMV: Emulation and visualization of game private networks and game servers performance

Proprietary technology developed by WTFast allows global network services to distribute and manage the load for massive multiplayer games despite their logically centralized architecture. In the proposed project, we plan to evaluate this architecture and the potential for predictability and scalability of the server and ”arbiter” components. Another goal is to utilize the infrastructure created […]

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Geological controls on strainburst risk in deep mining drifts

A strainburst is a sudden violent failure of rock triggered around a tunnel boundary. They are often unpredictable and pose an extreme risk to workers in deep underground mines and tunnels. The goal of this project is to investigate the fundamental mechanisms by which these failures can occur. This knowledge will be used to better […]

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Increasing harvestable berry yield using precision agriculture technologies

The overall objective of the proposed initiative is to develop a novel, berry harvesting system that will identify the root causes of increased loses; increase berry picking efficiency and product quality. Currently, there are 15 to 25% fruit yield losses during the harvesting. The wild blueberry growers set a goal increase the harvestable yields by […]

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Visualization of TBI Multimodal Brain Imaging Data

The increased incidence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its potentially serious long-term consequences have enormous clinical, societal and economic impacts in Canada. Yet despite its relatively high prevalence, TBI is one of the least understood neurological injuries. Emerging evidence shows that the effects of TBI are not transient and may be associated with significant […]

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Development of Li-Ion cells/batteries for low temperature applications

Increases in gasoline price and greenhouse gas emissions have spurred the growth of hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) and pure electric vehicles (EVs). Rechargeable Li-ion batteries are the leading candidate for powering these vehicles due to their high energy and power density properties relative to other batteries. However, their energy and power capabilities are substantially reduced […]

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Calibration and characterization of micro-spectrometer

Project will see the calibration and characterization of a next-generation spectrometer for advancing both atmospheric research and the Canadian space community by providing instruments for atmospheric research for UAVs and nanosatellites. Calibrating these spectrometers will give the science community a new way to monitor atmospheric gases such as greenhouse gas or pipeline leaks with the […]

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Sulfur deportment in ferronickel production via Rotary Kiln-Electric Furnace process

Pyrometallurgical processes have long been used for producing ferronickel alloy. Rotary kiln – Electric furnace (RKEF) is one of the most important technologies for producing ferronickel. The process involves partial reduction of the ore in the rotary kiln with the addition of fuels and reductants. During the process, some impurities present in the fuels and […]

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Optimizing Natural Fibre Quality for Industrial Applications

Natural fibres are abundant in Canada and have the potential to be used in a wide variety of biocomposites and industrial bioproducts. In order to develop a thriving biomaterials sector, the quality and consistency of this vast resource must be continually assessed and monitored to ensure a quality product can be delivered to end-users on […]

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Optimization of Hetnets for Urban and Built-up Environments

The provisioning of cellular networks and data services has become increasingly complex due to ever increasing demand for greater and faster services. Our research will contribute to a fundamental knowledge base into the operation of heterogeneous cellular networks using the built-up physical infrastructure (the buildings) of the University of Regina. A number of micro cellular […]

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