Real-Time multi-view rendering from 3D stereoscopic video

With the steady production of 3D movies, there is an increased availability of 3D stereoscopic video content, paving the way for the deployment of 3DTV to the general consumer market. Auto-stereoscopic displays, those that produce 3D without the need to wear glasses, are a viable technology for the home environment and are obtaining a lot […]

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Sustainable engineering / Développement durable pour l’ingénierie (Nouveau)

The project aims at the development of an approach to integrate sustainability principles and criteria in engineering projects. Awaiting more information from the professor. Please check back soon. Do not contact Globalink Research Internships. ——– Le projet vise le développement d’une approche pour intégrer les principes et critères du développement durable dans les projets d’ingénierie.

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A Simplified Life Cycle Approach for Assessing Environmental impact of Green Building

A full life cycle assessment (LCA) is usually a time, energy, and data-intensive process requiring sophisticated methodology. Moreover, rapid growth in LCA methodological developments applied to green building has generated a large body of work that may appear to lack direction. This research project propose that environmental impact meta-analysis of green building highlights several key, […]

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Development of (doped-)Graphene for Clean Energy Applications

The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2010 was awarded to two researchers “for groundbreaking experiments regarding the graphene”. Since then, graphene, a new-type and two-dimensional (one-atom-thickness) allotrope of carbon with a planar honeycomb lattice, has become one of the most exciting topics of research due to their remarkable properties including ultra-high surface area (calculated value, […]

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Process Modeling for Ge-on-Si Photodetectors

High-performance Ge-on-Si photodetectors are of lower cost and can be monolithically integrated with Si based integrated circuits for on-chip optical communications to increase computing speed. Process modeling is essential for structure and processing conditions design, but the current photonic design tools are too simplified for this task. This research is to implement process models in […]

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Signals of Opportunity-based Positioning Techniques for Challenging GNSS Environments Year Two

The availability and accuracy of GPS in some environments, such as indoors, is limited. Positioning utilizing radio frequency (RF) signals intended for communication, broadcasting, or networking is an attractive alternative or complement to GPS in such environments. The proposed research will develop novel methods to use RF signals of opportunity (SoO), such as WiFi signals […]

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Sustainable Vertical Services using GSTC Clouds

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been recognized as one of the main flag ships of global transformation toward a sustainable future, especially because of its capabilities to substitute/virtualize human activities and services. One group of promising ICT approaches to this goal is that of service-based, resource-shared, and virtualized ICT solutions that will be the […]

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Integrated underground mine planning using mathematical programing

The operation of an underground mine site requires the execution of multiple tasks and involve many human and material resources. The execution of these tasks is then limited by many constraints including the order in which certain task must be done, the limits on availability of resources, congestions in the distribution of resources and many […]

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Evaluating the potential of supplemental irrigation to increase agricultural and water productivity in India with climate change

Agriculture demands more water than any other process in the world and is related to 90% of water use in India. India irrigates nearly half of all its cultivated land, while groundwater resources are being depleted at a rate that is threatening the endurance of India’s agricultural economy. The interplay between food security, water resources, […]

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Universal surface modification method to encourage cell patterning

Surface modification to promote the patterning of mammalian cells is an important tool in cellular biology. It aids in the development of different tissue engineering scaffolds, biosensors, and validation of high throughput screening assays. Surface modification protocols must be tailored to each individual material which limits the utility of a successful antifouling strategy to individual […]

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