Investigation and optimization of Avalon Alliance bio-mineral fertilizer technologies for agriculture / pollutant remediation applications

This UBC-Okanagan research will contribute to the optimization of novel composite bio-mineral fertilizers for sustainable agriculture, pollution remediation and other environmental applications. The production processes and formulas of these product prototypes have been developed and protected through patent filings by principals of Avalon Alliance Inc., for the commercial applications of subsidiary Avalon Bio-Mineral Technologies Inc. […]

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Effects of Pre-Print Sterilization on the Material Properties of 3D Printed Products

With 3D printing comes the capacity to create custom plastic components needed in orthopaedic implants between surgeries, as short-term and possibly long-term measures. This customization and flexibility comes at the cost of facing new challenges: how can we sterilize and clean a 3D printed product that cannot withstand high temperatures, and what effects do low […]

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Efficient Prototyping of Linear Actuators Through Numerical Modeling

Within the gaming and aviation industries, there is a demand for simulators that imitate flight. Peripheral flight yokes are often used. The industry desires yokes that are both affordable and realistic. Recently, Iris Dynamics Ltd. has developed a new flight yoke that offers superior performance with respect to its competitors at a relatively low price. […]

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Organic sorbent and nanotechnology-assisted bioremediation of industrial effluents

Highly toxic organic and inorganic chemicals result from various industrial operations have been identified in surface and ground waters in very small concentrations, making their removal difficult. In partnership with Lorax Systems Inc., the objective of this research is to develop a novel, biologically-based material for the treatment of industrially relevant wastewater streams, exploring not […]

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Vehicle Model Emission Factor Enhancements

Vehicle emissions make up a significant amount of air pollution in urban environments. Planners and engineers use numerical models to estimate and predict how much pollution is generated from cars, however these models typically rely on the assumption that all traffic flows smoothly and without interruptions. Real lifedriving varies greatly based on time of day, […]

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Development and application of Additive Manufacturing component strategies

Additive manufacturing is an innovative and promising technology that has potential to provide the aerospace industry with many benefits in the design and fabrication of aerospace components. Advantages to the additive manufacturing process include: the ability to fabricate complex designs not easily obtained through traditional manufacturing, a substantial reduction in materials waste in processing and […]

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Pre-clinical testing of novel high-strength bioabsorbable bone adhesives

There is an unmet need to replace surgical plates and screws in small joint and non-loadbearing orthopaedic surgeries. Despite a clear clinical need and market opportunity, there are no products available today that address issues such as long surgery times, high cost, patient discomfort, and reoperation for metal implant removal. Dartmouth Medical Research, Ltd. is […]

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Modeling of Current Collapse and Gate Leakage Phenomena in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs

AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have emerged as promising candidates for high breakdown, high power output, and high operating temperature applications. However, there are several problems that hinder its practical use such as current collapse and high gate leakage current. Most of available studies use analytical formulas and only analyze a certain aspect. Physical […]

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Stochastic inversion of geophysical and petrophysical data to develop an integrated 5-8 Block Model

This project aims at exploiting existing geophysical and petrophysical data to develop an integrated geological model of the 5-8 block of the Raglan mine in Northern Quebec. In contrast to previously conducted analysis of individual datasets, a weighted stochastic inversion of combined datasets will be conducted. Determining the synergies between the diverse rock parameters will […]

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Spatial and Temporal Linear Induction Motor Harmonics

Linear Induction Motors (LIMs) are used in a significant portion of existing rail transport systems, and Bombardier Transport Canada Inc. is a global leader in the industry. LIMs will be ever more important in the future with the expansion of Maglevs globally. In this project, the intern will explore the mathematical models used in designing […]

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Advanced Oxidation of Micropollutants in Water for Water Reuse

Trace concentrations of numerous organic compounds (emerging contaminants (EC), and endocrine disruptor compounds (EDCs)) such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCP), including prescription drugs and biologics, “nutraceuticals,” fragrances, sun-screen agents, and numerous others are reported in various wastewater effluents, and aquatic systems. In addition to these, increasing levels of naturally occurring organic materials (NOM) […]

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