Fresh Properties of Rubberized Self-Consolidating Concrete

The project focuses on the development of SCRC mixtures using concrete materials available in Newfoundland. The developed SCRC mixtures can be successfully used by concrete suppliers in Newfoundland, especially for the construction of marine and offshore structures, which are exposed to ice abrasion and impact loading from ships, waves, and icebergs. In addition, this kind […]

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Design, Manufacture and Testing of a Thermoplastic Composite Guardrail: Modeling Phase

Today’s modern industries aim at supplying premium quality products that can offer added performance value, lower weight, less environmental impact, decreased manufacturing and maintenance costs, increased durability and safety, and eventually higher customer satisfaction and market competitiveness. To achieve these milestones, new engineered materials such as fiber-reinforced polymers are rapidly replacing traditional single materials such […]

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Development of an Intelligent Mobile Personal Emergency Response System for Elderly

Epic Safety Inc. specializes in Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS), Mobile PERS and Tele-Health. Recognizing Dr. Golnaraghi’s internationally recognized expertise in this field, Epic will be working with his team of HQP and provide them with practical training with the goal to employ these highly qualified personnel to guarantee the advancement of this technology. The […]

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Surface modification to reduce biofouling on water quality monitoring devices

Biofouling is the unwanted accumulation of proteins and microorganisms on wetted surfaces. Accumulation of biofoulers on sensors and microfluidic devices greatly impairs their performance in assessing the physical, chemical, and biological condition of natural and processed water. Failure to obtain accurate data on these changes and respond in a timely manner may lead to serious […]

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A systems level optimization of the solar battery in a solar energy system

SunVault Energy Incorporated, a Kelowna, British Columbia based energy technology company, aims to become a significant player within the emerging Canadian solar industry. They have devised a technology, the solar battery, which integrates the energy storage and energy generation capabilities of a stand-alone solar energy system. They view this as potentially a means of lowering […]

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Progression du nouveau moteur de positionnement de Delmiabasé sur les intentions de l’usager

L’objectif général de ce projet est le développement d’un nouveau moteur de positionnement de Delmia basé sur les intentions de l’usager. Ce nouveau moteur positionnera le mannequin de Delmia en tenant compte de la l’équilibre postural, de l’effort exercé par les membres supérieurs sur l’environnement ainsi que la probabilité et la répétabilité de la posture […]

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A Study of the Modes of Gold Loss in the Calcium Thiosulfate Leaching of Preg-robbing Ores

The evermore increasing complexity of gold ores is forcing operations to seek alternative gold leaching reagents to the traditional use of cyanidation. At the Barrick Goldstrike mine, the implementation of a non-toxic thiosulfate leaching process is about to become an industrial reality. With modification to the existing infrastructure and leaching circuit, this new process allows […]

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Reservoir Souring Work – Understanding the Cycling and Conversion of Sulfur in Offshore Petroleum Reservoirs

The chemistry, thermodynamics, and transport phenomena of sulfur compounds in upstream petroleum operations is important as it impacts materials used in the production and processing systems, health and safety plans, treatment processes, and transport of petroleum. In offshore operations these impacts are magnified due to the remoteness of the operations and infrastructure limitations on the […]

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Retention of Bioactives in Haskap Berry Powder Produced by Refractance Window Drying

Haskap berries are a recent arrival to the North American market. They have extremely high levels of bioactive compounds that are associated with various health benefits including antioxidant activity and the reduction of many degenerative diseases. This research investigates the use of Refractance Window (RW) drying for the production of a high quality haskap powder […]

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Keyword Search in Relational Databases for Business Users Year Two

Much of the world’s high-quality data remains under lock in relational databases. Access is gained through relational query languages. This can suffice for people who are well versed in both SQL and in the schemas of databases. However, anyone who does not know SQL or who is not well versed in the schema is effectively […]

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Engaging stakeholders to evaluate alternatives in energy system planning through agentbased automated negotiation Year Two

The objective of this project is to improve long-term planning of Alberta’s electricity system infrastructure in collaboration with an industry sponsor, Alberta Electricity System Operator (AESO). The project aims at engaging stakeholders in a regional planning exercise in southern Alberta by a detailed exploration of their perspectives when evaluating energy system alternatives. This was identified […]

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Integrated Harvesting Technologies to Improve Berry Recovery and Quality

The overall objective of the proposed initiative is to develop a novel, automated and integrated harvesting system that will identify the root causes of increased loses; increase berry picking efficiency and product quality. The increased harvesting losses of wild blueberry crop during harvesting have pushed the growers and processors within the industry to set a […]

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