Development of a Diagnostic Screening Platform for Quantitative Detection of Drugs in Saliva

Drug-impaired driving represents a significant and increasing threat to the safety of Canadians and there is an urgent need for a convenient, instantaneous and accurate road-side evaluation technology for impaired driving. Current solution for roadside drug testing includes a device that is still just a qualitative indicator. Quantitative detection of drugs currently require expensive equipment, […]

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Enabling liquid and solid repellency for personal protective ensembles

This project will investigate how to add waterproof, oil-proof, and contaminant-proof properties to soldier protective clothing (ballistic armour vests). Four interns will develop methods for attaching a repellent coating to the fabrics that the Canadian Armed Forces wears. The interns will work with PRE Labs Inc., an armour company in Kelowna, BC. Together, the interns […]

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The design and fabrication of a novel mitral heart valve for catheter-based insertion

The aim of this collaboration is to produce a novel design of percutaneous mitral valve that utilizes the synthetic cryogel material developed at the Heart Valve Performance Laboratory, UBC Okanagan campus for the valve leaflets, along with different anchoring mechanisms to develop an optimized option for testing. The proposed design will be made for either […]

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Process Intensification for Odor Removal in Composting Facilities

Composting is a method of waste management using biological degradation at aerobic condition. Although the process is one of the efficient and least expensive waste management options, nuisance odors emanating from waste processing facilities degrade the air quality of neighborhood. Odor compounds vary significantly depending on the type of wastes, process conditions and include bioaerosols, […]

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Research, development and testing of an instrument that can monitor and detect internal failure in liquids pipelines

The ubiquity of pipeline incidences have resulted in undesirable economic, environmental and social consequences. However, pipelines are a critical element of the transportation system of most countries, and are needed to convey goods and resources from one place to the other. In this research project, a technology that can be used to monitor operating pipelines […]

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Using a digital camera to monitor dust emissions at mine sites

Minerals industry has a considerable responsibility to implement effective dust management plans, thereby controlling the mine dust emissions. In dust management plans, the monitoring of dust emissions is an indispensable part in both mine sites and process plants. However, mine sites cover a wide range of locations where conventional monitoring instruments cannot be all installed. […]

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Toward Ore-Specific Sensor-Based Sorting Systems in Mining

A two-year, multi-disciplinary research project requiring MSc, PhD and PDF researchers across Computer Science, Earth and Ocean Science, and Mining Engineering is proposed, working with an industrial sponsor MineSense, focused on the development of new sensors for advanced sensor sorting and so-called ‘non-grade’ applications in previously unaddressed high capacity, low grade mining situations. Specific objectives […]

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Connections Design in New Double Wythe Insulated Wall Panel Containing Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC)

Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) double wythe panels are commonly used in building envelopes, however, the connections between panels have not been investigated properly. Several design connections will be designed and tested in association with the industrial partner to determine the feasibility of the designs. The project will investigate the structural behaviour and strength of different connections […]

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Novel modeling and simulation algorithms of interconnected AC and multiterminal DC grids for power flow and transient stability analyses

This research is aimed at the development of new modeling and simulation algorithms of interconnected AC and DC supergrids for power flow and transient stability analyses. The efforts will be focused on the following technical areas: Advanced modeling methods of AC/DC power converters and controls for the integration of renewable energy resources in power systems. […]

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Nonlinear adaptive neural controllers

Contemporary machine learning has been very successfully applied to processing static images and words in consumer applications, resulting in billions of dollars in recent acquisitions of machine learning companies by Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Google. However, applications to dynamic information (e.g. movies, controlling robotics) has been less well-developed. In this project, will develop and apply […]

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