Understanding the effect of the oral microbiome on the performance of dental implant crown materials

We are at the era of precision medicine and dentistry; however, currently there have been no attempts for personalized dental implant design and material selection that take into account variations in individuals’ anatomy, oral microbiome, saliva properties, and mechanical requirements. The overall objective of this MITACS project is to utilize a multidisciplinary approach to explore […]

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Seismic performance assessment of smart highway bridges using life-cycle costing

Bridge infrastructure constitutes a substantial portion of the national wealth of Canada, whose performance during earthquake events has a significant impact on the public safety. How to enhance the seismic performance of bridge structures is a huge big challenge in civil engineering. And how to promote the application of advanced technique in civil engineering is […]

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A cloud-based ecosystem for predictive maintenance and management of shipping container

The shipping container is one of the most important assets of international shipping and global trade. Built to withstand extreme conditions, the quality of these large metallic boxes is often overestimated resulting in the international container fleet being perpetually undermaintained. As trade volumes increase terminal inspectors lave less time to conduct container quality inspections. This […]

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Process optimization for extraction of compounds from natural sources – Year Two

Various methods have been developed to extract compounds from fruits, vegetables, and seeds. Subcritical and supercritical extractions are the most promising techniques with high output qualities and high cost efficiencies. Running the systems at different pressures and temperatures, the essential bi-product can be extracted from the natural compounds matrix. In addition to their effectiveness, the […]

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Natural Language Generation for Intelligent Tutoring Systems

This project solves the problem of generating content for a conversational intelligent tutoring system (ITS). The ITS gives questions to the student and then analyzes their answer using machine learning algorithms. Based on the student answer, the system will give them the hints and teach them how to solve the question. Moreover, the system will […]

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LED Radiation Pattern Modelling

Display technology is ever improving; a current display technology being researched and created includes the use of LED arrays. One array could be used to produce a low quality image with minimal energy, while another more energy intensive array would be used for the sharper aspects of the image. Knowing exactly how these LED’s behave […]

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Development of an efficient process to produce influenza virus-like particles in insect cell culture platform

Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza infections. However, the current production of influenza vaccines in embryonated chicken eggs has limited capacity during pandemics or high demand seasons, and is both labor-intensive and time-consuming. Consequently, there is a need to develop a robust production platform that can efficiently accelerate the production process and […]

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Nanotechnology Solving Environmental Protection and Cyber-Physical Security: Smart Power-Grid Application

The ACPS will offer high-reliability and real-time monitoring of the smart-grid infrastructure and the secure CPS will provide secure communication and authentication of the smart-grid devices and components. This results in secure and improved power transmission that can reduce infrastructure maintenance cost for the utility companies and also reduced power-theft attacks from malicious sources. Successful […]

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Maintenance Recommendation – Downtime Adaptive Learning

Time Series is a sequence of records and observations ordered in time. For instance, feedback from a sensor with timestamps can be considered a time series set. Studying Time Series can help with the predicting and understanding of a system and its behaviour. It can also be used to control the mechanism. In the past, […]

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Microbial contamination of TransX diesel fuel tanks.

The TransX Group of Companies is Canada’s largest privately owned transportation company. Its mission is to provide integrated transportation solutions to businesses throughout North America. In the fall of 2017, the Winnipeg office of TransX discovered that diesel fuel tanks for their long-haul refrigeration units contained a sludge-like, microbial biofilm and that the fuel filters […]

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