Arsenic release from arsenic-bearing minerals

When waste rocks generated by mining activities are exposed to the air and water, various toxic elements may be released to receiving waters and soils. Arsenic (As) is known as one of the most toxic pollutants which can cause damage to the environment and human health. To implement effective source control, it is essential to […]

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Validation and calibration of Squeeze Film Damper Model with Experiment

This research project studies a specific component in the commercial aircraft engine called the squeezed film damper, or SFD. The SFD is applied to reduce the vibration of the engine rotor, which in turn reduces the noise and brings comfort to the passengers. The expected delivery from this project includes an advanced SFD model which […]

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Concept design and feasibility evaluation for the QEYSSat microsatellite mission

This project focuses on the concept design and ACS/Geolocation simulation of an Earth-observation microsatellite in Low Earth Orbit. MSCI has a long history of building microsatellites, but not for an Earth observation mission. In this research, we will evaluate the current MSCI multi-mission bus design capability, given its current hardware, for use in the QEYSSat […]

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Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Aero-Engines

Aero-engines are lightweight structures which are assembled of several thin walled cylindrical components (casings). Casings are joined by bolted flanges, and must withstand high forces. To accurately predict the response of casings assembly, the non-linear behavior of the casing joints must be considered. Currently, aero-engine manufacturers (i.e PWC) are facing serious limitations in matching the […]

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3D printing of electrochemically driven point-of-care test (POCT) device for heavy metal ions detection

This project aims to develop a fast-response, portable and mobile-readable point of care test (POCT) device. Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology is proposed to fabricate the configuration that features components and elements functioning to accommodate and integrate all principle stages of analysis, including sample pre-treatment, fluidic manipulation and signal detection. This device is used to track […]

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On differential Glacial Isostatic Adjustment across the Grand Banks and the impact on hydrocarbon migration

Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA), also known as Postglacial Rebound, describes how the Earth responds to different loading/unloading processes, through deformation and vertical motion. One important loading/unloading process includes the Wisconsinan Glaciation Episode and the last glacial maximum, approximately 21ka BP. The unloading processes since led to vertical motion centered around James Bay/Hudson Bay, Canada, with […]

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Digitalizing Extractive Industries

The broad objectives of this research include: (1) to develop an accurate picture of the extent to which digital technologies have been adopted by extractive industries, (2) to understand factors that have impacted on the pace of digitalization, (3) to develop an understanding of how further digitalization could transform extractive industries and the communities and […]

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Vehicle Occupancy Detection using Thermal Camera and LIDAR

In this project, a vehicle occupancy detection system will be developed for automatic monitoring of HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) and HOT (High Occupancy Toll) lanes. The system makes use of machine vision along with artificial intelligent algorithms, developed based on deep learning, to detect number of passengers in a vehicle in real-time. The developed technology […]

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Integrated Microlens Technology for Light Steering Projectors

MTT Innovation Inc. is a Canadian company that is based out of Vancouver, British Columbia. MTT develops technologies for next-generation projectors in home entertainment systems and theatres. The developed projectors are engineered to provide especially high quality images, with enhanced brightness and dynamic range, and an emerging product of MTT that targets these goals is […]

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