Understanding DETA in the Strathcona Tailings Area

Glencore is considering the use of DETA (diethylenetriamine), a mineral processing reagent, to improve process performance in Strathcona Mill, located near Sudbury, Ontario. DETA forms soluble complexes with nickel and copper ions, and can cause the concentration of these metal ions to exceed the value permitted in the final effluent. The objectives of this project […]

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Automated Condition Rating of Power Transmission Infrastructure

Increasing dependence on electricity has given an extra weight to the importance of power transmission line reliability. Service reliability can be improved with proper monitoring techniques and maintenance procedures. Improved condition assessment techniques can help avoid unexpected component failures of power transmission lines by assisting in assessment of current physical state of the system or […]

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Advanced Analysis Setup of Next Generation XRT Algorithms

The research project will include a study using dual energy X-ray transmission (DE-XRT) technology to investigate how to improve the current DE-XRT analysis. To conduct the research, large amounts of samples will be taken from different types of deposits and operations. The research will evaluate various data mining methods to generate algorithms using the data […]

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Data Analytics for Social Network Marketing

Influencer marketing is a new and innovative way for brands to target their customers on social media in a highly accurate and trusted way. Brand partners work with hundreds of influencers over a period of time, which is called a campaign, to create marketing material. This marketing material is shared by both the brand and […]

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Data-driven Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Heat produced by Resistive Heating Elements in Enhanced Oil Recovery

NEXEN has proposed a novel and advanced thermal EOR technique for oil sands recovery, which is both economically efficient and environmentally sustainable as compared to current thermal oil recovery method (SAGD). The focus of this research project is to investigate, analyze, improve, and design heat transfer modeling and control strategies for proposed enhanced oil sands […]

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Development of a Novel Marine Icing Prediction Model

All shipping and marine activity is subject to risks, such as flooding and capsize in extreme seas. Shipping in cold winter conditions is subject to additional risks, such as ice accretion on the topsides, which in extreme cases can cause capsize. The catastrophic capsize of smaller vessels due to icing is still taking place, with […]

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Innovative Designs in Methane Sourcing

The purpose of this project is to change the way piplelines are sourced for potential leaks. Currently, gas sniffers that detect gas near the pipeline monitor subsea pipelines. However, these sniffers do not differentiate between gas types and are unable to determine the source of the detected gas. Therefore, sniffers are unable to confirm if […]

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Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of a Large Scale Industrial Biochar plant

Slow pyrolysis is a process to convert biomass residues to valuable biochar products, which are used in agricultural, wastewater treatment, animal feed, carbon sequestration etc. IRSI focused on identifying optimal pathways for converting biomass into high quality biochar with maximum energy efficiency and minimal environmental degradation. This project focusses on modelling and simulation of a […]

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Development of an Industrial Design Workflow to Incorporate 3D Scanning for Manufacturing Tooling Processes – Phase II

Today’s modern industries aim at supplying premium quality products that can offer added performance value, lower weight, less environmental impact, decreased manufacturing and maintenance costs, increased durability and safety, and eventually higher customer satisfaction and market competitiveness. To achieve these goals, new-engineered materials such as glass fiber reinforced polymers (GFRPs) are rapidly replacing traditional single […]

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A fundamental study to better understand how blinding agents interact with particle surfaces in preg-robbing carbonaceous gold systems using electrochemical techniques

One of the most challenging issues in the gold mining industry comes from the carbonaceous ore components adsorbing gold ion complexes, resulting in up to 90% gold loss during cyanide leaching process. The addition of chemical reagents as blinding agents is one of the most promising methods to blind the organic carbon content of ore […]

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