Planification de la production à court terme à la mine Westwood

Le projet Westwood est une mine d’or situé à proximité de Rouyn-Noranda, en Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Le gisement à exploité est composé de plusieurs veines minces très étalées dans l’espace et à grande profondeur. Ces conditions font en sorte que beaucoup de travaux préparatoirs sont requis afin d’accéder aux zones minéralisées. Étant donné ces conditions particulières et […]

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Mechanical Design and Power Drive Improvements for Moovee’s One-seater Prototype

An emerging concept in urban transportation systems is utilization of small electric vehicles that meet the demands for enclosed personal mobility. These types of vehicles are generally small and lightweight but require much less space than more conventional vehicles such as the Smart Car. Furthermore, the vehicle is all battery electric. Recent developments have utilized […]

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Development of Novel Gripper and Lifting Mechanisms for Automated Test Water Systems

This project involves developing novel gripper mechanisms for Mantech that has faced issues with their robots. The first challenge is the need for having grippers (not pneumatic) that are robust and light. To solve this, we will develop (model, design, fabricate) a novel electromagnetic gripper that is equipped with tactile sensors to ensure perfect grasping. […]

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OceanView Current Enhancements

Northern Radar Inc. (NRI) is working to expand its capability in ocean remote sensing of surface currents, surface winds and sea state, and is partnered with Memorial University to develop advanced HF radar algorithms The objectives of this work include a full analysis of NRI’s existing intellectual property, adapting and integrating the algorithms into new […]

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Oscillation-based Fuel Cell Diagnostics

In this project, we propose two diagnostic tools that can identify dynamical processes in various fuel cell operating regimes, using the difference in the time constant of these processes. For example, conductive transport of electrons is faster than diffusive transport of gasses. We oscillate current and pressure at different frequencies, and measure the cell voltage. […]

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Mechanisms and Application of MFD Catalyst on the Leaching of Secondary Copper Sulfide

Cu and Ni minerals that have great economic value mostly exist in the form of sulfides, making them difficult to extract using hydrometallurgical processes. Currently, heap leaching is the most economical way to extract these metals from low grade ores. Copper recoveries of many chalcocite heap leaches report around 70% copper recovery. However, the chalcocite […]

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With the current challenges with depleted reservoirs and problems associated with heavy oil production, the implementation of the most cost-effective and feasible enhanced oil recovery method is inevitable. There are a wide range of EOR methods available and developed, which are in most cases expensive and complicated to carry out. Therefore, an extensive preliminary screening […]

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Quantifying soil nitrogen supply to reduce nitrate loading to groundwater from high intensity agricultural production areas in Nova Scotia

Understanding and measuring nitrogen supply in agricultural soils is a critical component in managing groundwater quality and minimizing impacts on the environment. Degraded water quality, primarily as nitrate contamination, is a growing concern in Atlantic Canada and agricultural fields are potential point sources. This project proposes to develop a baseline dataset from agricultural fields across […]

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Hand gesture recognition for car driver interactions

Klashwerks is an Ottawa-based engineering design and Technology Company founded in 2016 that focuses on the emerging connected car market. They are currently developing an intelligent driver companion for smart car. One desirable feature of this product is to offer the possibility to drivers to interact with the device by simply using their hands. Gestures […]

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Assessment and Design Advancement of a Conjugate Anvil Hammer Mill

Since energy is the major concern in current and future mining operations, energy efficient technologies are a major focus for research and development. The CAHM machine was developed based on principals of energy efficient particle breakage by compression. The machine design was based on computer simulation and modeling results indicate the potential to reduce comminution […]

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