Stress Test of a Pilot Passive Methane Oxidation Biosystem

Closed landfills are a source of uncontrolled methane (CH4) emissions negatively add to the impact of greenhouse gas emissions. These methane emissions can continue for decades after biogas extraction systems reach end-of-life. Successful land reclamation projects, such as turning an old landfill into a park, depends on low-maintenance technologies that can cope with these emissions. […]

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Automation of multi-factorial neurodevelopmental toxicity and neurodegeneration analysis using Ananda Devices NeuroHTSTM plates

Ananda Devices has developed an innovative technology to produce high-throughput organ-on-chip technology for commercialization in the pharma industry and cosmetic industry. For cost effective and fast commercializing the device, semi automation/automation is required for the high throughput data analysis. Further validation of the automation algorithm is required for data accuracy. So, our aim is to […]

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Geostatistical Modelling of Variability and Uncertainty for Natural Attenuation at Upstream Oil & Gas Contaminated Sites

The intern will work on quantifying inherent uncertainties associated with natural attenuation of organic contaminants at upstream oil and gas contaminated sites. Uncertainty and variability in parameters such as hydraulic conductivity, biodegradation rate constant and spatial distribution of the source of contaminants may lead to highly uncertain results to be obtained from routine fate and […]

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Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Technique for Autonomous Operation of Mining Robots

This project proposes an application of Fuzzy-Evolutionary Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithm for autonomous navigation of mining robots in underground mines. This project aims to develop techniques that are useful for mining automation activities, particularly for infrastructureless navigation of load-haul-dump vehicles and drilling equipment. The intern will use current equipment facilities available with the […]

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Transportation Optimization Model

The Day & Ross Transportation Group, one of the largest transportation firms in Canada, employs over 4100 people, maintains a fleet of over 3300 vehicles and trailers, and has over 80 terminals and other operations across Canada and the US. This project will focus on technical improvements and modifications to the company’s load optimizer, thus […]

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A Hierarchic Parametric Geometric Modelling for Aerodynamics Shapes

Bombardier Aerospace, a world-leading manufacturer of innovative transportation solutions, from regional aircraft and business jets to rail transportation equipment, is interested in technology developments that improve aerodynamic design methods. One of their objectives is to improve the process in which aerodynamic parameters are introduced within the optimization process to facilitate the application of geometric and […]

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A Mathematical Model Describing the Dissociation of Natural Gas Using Non-thermal Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure

Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas have been studied for a variety of industrial applications such as pollution control, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) removal, car exhaust emission control and polymer surface treatment. For decades, non-thermal plasmas have been used to generate ozone for water purification. Non-thermal plasmas may be produced by a variety of electric discharges or […]

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Characterization and Prediction of Cancer Drug Resistance Markers Based on Data Mining of Microarray Profiles

The internship will concern studying the role and impact of specific proteins (in particular tubulin) in cancer, and the identification of prognostic markers of cancer progression and predictors of cancer response to existing and new compounds (mainly based on microarray data analysis and protein structure prediction). This project will involve working on preparation of relevant […]

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Constraint Programming based Column Generation for Employee Timetabling

Employee timetabling problems form a large class of widely-encountered issues in service organizations. Often, the issue lies in the design of work shifts, which often have to satisfy many complex regulatory constraints coming from legislation and contractual agreements. The client, Omega Optimisation, was looking for a unified and flexible solution for these shift scheduling problems […]

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Increasing the Efficiency of Light Emission in Signage Applications

Carmanah Technologies Corporation (CTC) manufactures and sells advertising and roadway sign products to various industries throughout North America. These products are fluorescence-based and light emitting diode-based devices. CTC wishes to further improve its current product offering by using optimization techniques and numerical simulations of the lighting systems. The optimization is to be done within industrial […]

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Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Mooring Lines in Deep and Shallow Water

The objective of this research project is to develop a computer program to predict the responses of mooring lines in waves and current. The nonlinear line tensions and anchor loads will be computed. By integrating the computer program into a vessel motion analysis tool, the development allows for the coupled mooring line and vessel dynamics […]

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Nonlinear Time Series Analysis for Prediction and Characterization of Brain Epileptic Activities

This research involves mathematical analysis of the recorded brain electrical signals in epilepsy patients with the aim of developing a seizure prediction and classification system. The seizure is an abnormal activity of the brain cells that requires immediate medical attention. The process of recording brain signals is performed for clinical and diagnosis purposes by the […]

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