Development of Nanostructures Embedded Early-Warning Electronic Sensing Device for Roadside Ultra Low Level Detection of Cannabis, cocaine, opiates, and Alcohol in Saliva

Drug-impaired driving represents a significant and increasing threat to the safety of Canadians and there is an urgent need for a convenient, instantaneous and accurate road-side evaluation technology for impaired driving. Current solution for roadside drug testing includes a device that is still just a qualitative indicator. Quantitative detection of drugs currently require expensive equipment, […]

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Assessment of AI integration opportunities into consulting business operations

The primary objective of the project is to assess our business operations in terms of optimization opportunities that may be realized through the integration of AI. Our business is consulting engineering to the land development industry: we sell our time as professionals, we sell our expertise, and we recruit professionals. Our business involves numerous processes, […]

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Model Development for Ground-Engaging Tools using Real-Time Numerical Terramechanics and Discrete-Element Method

This Ph.D. study will focus on simulating and validating soil flow behavior models using numerical terramechanics for three distinct applications of soil flow behaviors from operations of construction equipment: hauling loose material (wheel loader), excavation of soil (backhoe loader/excavator) and pushing large quantities of soil (bulldozer). Numerical terramechanics models will be compared with DEM models […]

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Further on the design and fabrication of a novel and passive hand tremor attenuator

Parkinson’s disease is most highly recognized by tremors of the hands that occur in those afflicted with the disease. Though the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease involving motor function begin with very slight tremors of the hands, they further develop into issues such as difficulty swallowing, severe postural problems and extremely limited mobility. In this proposal, […]

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Environmental Scan of Regulations for Autonomous Drones

Flying air vehicles, most commonly referred to as “drones” come in many different forms. The type of drone required to accomplish a task is dependent on the mission profile. Overcoming the barriers towards fully autonomous operations requires addressing the concerns and complying with the requirements of regulators. The objective of the research is to identify […]

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Optimization and automation of the imaging and analysis of Ananda Device’s high-throughput NeuroHTSTM microplate

Ananda Devices has developed an innovative technology to produce high-throughput organ-on-chip technology for commercialization in the pharma industry and cosmetic industry. For cost effective and fast commercializing the device, semi automation/automation is required for the high throughput data analysis. Further validation of the automation algorithm is required for data accuracy. So, our aim is to […]

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Operator space situation awareness in space object tracking tasks

In the field of space operation and monitoring, there is an increasing need to build space situation awareness (SSA). That is, how well an operator can understand the position and operation of all space objects and satellites. It is critical to organize and present all the data in a proper way to support human understanding […]

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Advancing an Intelligent Transportation Data Platform and Environmental Sensing to Promote Sustainable Cities

Transportation services, ranging from public buses to private logistic fleets, could benefit significantly from the introduction of Roger’s 5G wireless networks. This project has a primary objective to support UBC’s efforts to achieve its 2050 GHG emission reduction goals with emphasis on reduction of GHG and air pollutant emissions from transportation services.

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Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE)-based Framework for Net-Zero Home Construction- Wilden Living Lab (Phase II)

The proposed study will focus on extending the Wilden Living Lab (WLL) Research Program by constructing a net-zero house (as the third house of the program) with new material combinations and construction practice. A post occupancy evaluation will be conducted to identify cost-effective material selection tools for building energy-efficient detached homes. Accordingly, a net-zero house […]

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