Efficient Screening Method for Novel Fluorescent Emitters

Canadian public and private researchers have taken an interest in a new class of light-emitting materials which can produce better colour in OLED smartphone and television screens. Currently, the only way to fully confirm that a specific material in this class has the desired properties is to build it into a prototype OLED pixel. This […]

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Biomarkers for detection of breast cancer and multiple myeloma using liquid biopsy

Blood tests are highly sought after to enable earlier cancer detection. We previously developed a blood test for breast cancer that is in prospective clinical study in Alberta, Manchester (UK), Oklahoma (USA) and South Korea. The proposed project will investigate some clinical samples collected through this work to support the primarily focus of identifying biomarkers […]

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Rational Nanoparticle Design for Efficient Transmucosal Gene Delivery

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting Canadian children and young adults, without a cure. Nanoparticles (NPs) have emerged as a promising strategy for delivering genetic treatments for various diseases. However, the development of NPs to treat CF has encountered many obstacles. This is mostly because the human airways, which constantly […]

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Market Analysis of Next-Generation Lithium Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries have revolutionized electronics over the past two decades, however, they do not have sufficient energy density to meet the long-term needs of society, such as the development of electric vehicles. This formidable challenge has driven research into many new battery technologies with different chemistries and configurations, but it remains unclear which technology is […]

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Development of a polishing treatment process (PTP) for anaerobic digester centrate

The production of biogas via the anaerobic digestion of organic waste is a growing industry in Canada. One benefit of this approach is that the resultant organic waste (digestate) can be dewatered and used as fertilizer; however, the removed water fraction remains rich in organic compounds and must be adequately treated before being discharged from […]

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Pilot Plant for Lithium Extraction from Saskatchewan Brine Deposits

With the growth in demand for electric vehicles and mobile devices powered by rechargeable lithium batteries, demand for lithium is expected to increase by over 200% in the next decade. Current lithium production comes primarily from Australia, South America and China. There are significant lithium reserves in the same Saskatchewan aquifers currently being exploited for […]

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Development of a UV-LED based surface disinfection system

Respiratory droplets of pathogens, such as SARS-CoV-2 in the current COVID-19 pandemic, spread not only from person to person via direct contact, but also indirectly via contaminated frequently touched surfaces. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is known as the gold standard of disinfection technology, where the DNA of microorganism are damaged by high energy UV photons. The […]

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Multifunctional anti-viral membranes for removing pathogens

Nowadays the spread of different kinds of pathogens such as bacteria and viruses like COVID-19, dyes, heavy metals, etc. into the environment cause a threat for all human beings, living microorganisms, and nature. Thus, new approaches are needed to solve this problem or prevent the spread and reduce the negative consequences upon contamination. Designing multifunctional […]

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