Process Development of Atomic Layer Deposition Cobalt and Ruthenium Metal Films

Next-generation integrated circuits require the innovation of new interconnect materials in order to maintain the performance improvements of Moore’s Law scaling. Cobalt (Co) and ruthenium (Ru) are two specific metals that are garnering strong interest for use in the filling of interconnects because of their better electrical performance and reliability at the extremely scaled dimensions […]

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Study of DME Injection in Oil Sands Reservoirs

Thus far Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) has been the sole commercially viable in-situ recovery method to extract Canadian oil sands that are too deep for mining. It involves high pressure steam injection and bitumen production using horizontal well pairs located near the base of oil sands formations. While it has enabled conversion of significant resources […]

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Modeling and control of CPP’s proprietary Mighty Dredge & Bypass Pump Technologies

Canada Pump & Power (CPP) is an Alberta specialized industrial marine company. CPP has a novel proprietary dredge propulsion method based on a set of winch-driven cables: the patented Autonomous Mighty Dredge. Control strategies to date have delivered adequate performance in some operating conditions; the goal is to have the dredge capable of performing to […]

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Technical and Economic Assessment of Implementing UV Treatment in Potable Reuse Process Trains – Year two

Driven by climate change induced water scarcity, further enhanced by rapid urbanization and population growth, potable water reuse initiatives are gaining interest. Potable reuse involves the indirect or direct use of highly treated municipal wastewater as a municipal drinking water source. Historically, the most commonly installed potable reuse train consisted of microfiltration, reverse osmosis (RO), […]

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Pelletization of Forest Wildfire Fuels in Western Canada

Forests in British Columbia have significant areas that need to be managed to limit the danger of fire and disease. Under current management approaches, there are few cost-effective options available to areas that are not already regularly harvested. A holistic analysis of pelletization of these materials could show that the sale of wood pellets, as […]

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Development of Green Ceramic formulations, testing and manufacturing process from Alberta oil sands tailings

Occupying the large tailings ponds is the most significant environmental issue for oil sand conventional extraction process. Making Green Ceramic/building materials is the most promising method to reduce the size of tailings ponds. This not only leads to consumption of tailings but also results in valuable products for the construction industries. The main objectives of […]

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Development of nanoscale and microscale delivery vehicles for plant immune aids using protein coacervation and spray drying

Modern pesticides have revolutionized agriculture. However, growing concerns with pest resistance, environmental run-off, and a lack of capacity to deal with abiotic stresses associated with drought or extreme heat (critical issues with regards to climate change) demand new solutions. Suncor has developed new plant immune aids that address these challenges by fortifying the immunity of […]

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Agrégation et enlèvement des nano-microplastiques par l’entremise de sels métalliques préhydrolysés et de polymères organiques : impact d’une préoxydation par l’ozone et d’une préexposition aux rayons UV sur l’efficacité d’agrégation

La production mondiale annuelle de plastiques est estimée à plus de 335 millions de tonnes et risque de doubler d’ici 20 ans. De cette production, moins de 26 % est actuellement recyclé; plus de 74 % de ces plastiques sont donc redirigés à l’enfouissement ou relargués dans l’environnement. Il est clair que l’accumulation des plastiques […]

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Development of an Autonomous Pipeline Control System

Autonomous operation of oil and gas pipelines is being introduced to the marketplace by utilizing advanced process control and Artificial Intelligence. This Project will explore the use of advanced optimization algorithms in combination with autonomous operation to further increase efficiency of pipelines by continually driving pumps, compressors and valves to achieve the lowest cost operation. […]

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Coupling the liquid pool and wellbore hydraulic module of the “Prediction and Optimization Software Package” – Part 2

In the last decade optimization is expanded in many applications from food production to sophisticated applications such as engine fuel efficiency. In the proposed package, it is tried to apply optimization techniques along with physics based analytical and semi-analytical methodologies to create a compelling framework which can help thermal-process based oil industry to reduce their […]

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Fabrication of High-resolution Perfluoro-polymer Imaging Fiber Bundle via Electrospinning and Stack-draw Technique

This project will be with Vena Medical that focused on creating a forward viewing imaging microcatheter to provide a real-time navigational perspective for interventional physicians. The Vena Microcatheter will make interventional procedures faster, easier, and safer for both patients and physicians. This project will investigate the novel polymer optical fiber with high flexibility and high-quality […]

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Manufacturing and stabilization of nanocellulose in a scale up process using functional maleates as a colloidal dispersion

Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), a form of cellulose, shows a lot of promise in the development of sustainable materials thanks to its unique properties such as high performance, large surface area, is readily available, renewable, and biodegradable. Early methods to synthesize CNC have not been very successful. In order to isolate CNC, to make them ready […]

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