Preparation of Thermoplastic Vulcanizates from Devulcanized Rubber crumb

  In a broad sense, this research project intends to expand the use of the recycled rubber (also referred to as reclaimed rubber or devulcanized rubber) prepared from waste tires. A new technology has been developed in our lab that leads to preparation of high quality reclaimed rubber (also called devulcanized rubber) in a very […]

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Contaminant Treatment in Water using Photocatalysis

  Emerging contaminants in drinking water are coming under increasing scrutiny as hazards to human and aquatic health. These compounds include pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, Endocrine Disrupting Compounds, and others. At present, the technologies for treating these compounds are costly and inefficient. Photocatalysis has been identified as a promising technique for treating these emerging contaminants in […]

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Optimization of Blow Heat Recovery

  AV Nackwai is part of a new and innovative group of companies (AV Group), which are focused on producing specialty pulp products to service the textile and paper industry. The blow heat recovery systems, more popularly known as “The Black Hole,” is one popular area where the pulp and paper industry has utilized the […]

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Carbon dioxide capture and concentration from combustion flue gases by adsorption based technology

Removal of CO2 from different gas streams, such as fossil fuel combustion gases, is becoming increasingly important to reduce effects of global warming. It is widely recognized that adsorption process is a promising technology provided that materials with high capacity and selectivity toward CO2 are available. Materials with sponge-like properties, such as ordered mesoporous silicas, […]

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Modeling Oxygen Behaviour in Point-of-Care pO2 Devices

  A mathematical model is to be developed that describes how oxygen can move in a point-of-care blood gas sensor. The sensor measures the partial pressure of oxygen in a blood sample. Oxygen can move throughout the cartridge by diffusing through the various materials that make up the cartridge. The extent to which the oxygen […]

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Improving the bending stiffness of multi-ply folding boxboard with maple HYP

BCTMP (Bleached chemi-thermo-mechanical pulp) or HYP (high-yield pulp) is an important sector in the Canadian market pulp business, and most of them has been exported to Europe and Asia and over half of it is used as middle-ply furnish in Folding Boxboard (FBB). FBB requires high bending stiffness for crush resistance, z-directional strength for preventing […]

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Applications Development of Plasma-Derived Nanostructured Carbons

NanoNB Corp (NNB) is a small business concern established in 2005 in New Brunswick, Canada. The company manufactures fullerenes/nanotubes and performs application development. The Intern Cluster (4 students) will focus on proces is improvements of the company’s plasma reactor to improve yields and efficiency of fullerene recovery. As well, two interns will work on conversion of […]

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Green sustainable telco cloud

Bringing cloud computing from the Internet domain to Next Generation Networks (NGN) in order to provide Telco cloud services will leverage the use of NGN, reduce costs and create many value-added services. It is therefore becoming critical for world-class carriers, like Bell and Telus, to adopt a cloudbased communications model. However, unlike public Internet clouds, […]

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Production of bio-phenolic chemicals, green diesel fuels, and renewable hydrogen/methane gases from Kraft lignin and “Black Liquor”

The use of fossil fuels for energy and chemical production is not sustainable, and it leads to increased emissions of air pollutants (SO2 and NOx) and greenhouse gases. It is thus of strategic significance to explore alternatives to fossil resources for both energy and chemicals production. Among all the potential alternatives to fossil resources, biomass […]

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Densification of Heat-Sensitive Protein/Fibre Biomass II

The proposed project with will explore the feasibility of pelletizing heat-sensitive protein and fibre-rich biomass. This animal feed additive is used to improve the digestibility of the diet and improve the performance of poultry and swine. Since densification process involves heat, it is important to investigate whether lowering temperature of the process (pelleting) and reducing […]

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