Testing of the Agri-Therm Inc. Mobile Pyrolysis Pilot Plant

    Agri-Therm Inc. is a Canadian company developing commercial mobile reactor technology for the production of biofuels and valuable chemicals from agricultural residues. The company operates a pilot plant at a shared research facility with the Institute for Chemicals and Fuels from Alternative Resources (ICFAR) and The University of Western Ontario. As part of their collaboration with the […]

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Modeling Microbial Transport and Inactivation in an Open Channel UV Reactor at Various Hydraulic Regimes

  Due to potential shortages of freshwater especially in arid and semi-arid regions, treatment of wastewater is increasingly being considered as an alternative to conventional water sources such as surface waters and groundwater. As the potential for human exposure to pathogens in the reclaimed water has been a concern for regulators, treatment standards must be […]

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Bioleaching of Pyrrhotite concentrate for Ni Extraction

  Discarded unattended waste slag soon becomes acidic resulting in an uncontrolled source, thereby releasing metals to the environment by a process known as Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). Traditional Pyrometallurgical methods to extract base metals from ore tailings have focused on using acid that is produced locally as a result of smelting operations, and Oxygen […]

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Recovery of Ni/Co/Cu from amorphous slags

The proposed study is a part of a project that will aid in implementing an environmentally clean technology for the recovery of Ni, Co and Cu from slags (waste and semi-waste materials) of nickel production in Ontario. The conventional technology for metal recovery can treat only slags with a high content of valuable metals (~3%), […]

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Demonstration Fusarium Removal Machine Engineering

  Fusarium Head Blight is a very common fungus disease prominent in small grain cereal throughout the world. This fungus infected wheat crop across Canada from Ontario to Alberta. The economic losses in Canada are estimated at $80 million annually over the last decade due to yield loss and quality loss. Fusarium has been detected […]

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Thermoplastic Olefin Blends containing a novel polyampholyte elastomer

  This research will investigate blends of polypropylene with a novel polyampholyte elastomer, which can serve as alternatives to traditional thermoplastic vulcanizates. This approach will enable the dispersion of physically crosslinked elastomeric particles inside a PP matrix, with potential benefits in terms of mechanical properties, weatherability, fatigue and abrasion resistance, and good impact properties at […]

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Predicting moisture and bark content of woody biomass using visible light spectroscopy

  Two of the most important characteristics of woody biomass to consider when evaluating their suitability for use in bio-energy applications are moisture content and ash content. The industry has long been seeking a technology capable of rapidly and economically characterizing feedstock, however such asolution is currently not available. This project will lay the groundwork for a potential solution […]

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Advanced Modeling for Diagnostics and Optimization of Oil Wells

  Several thousand new pumpjacks are installed in Alberta oil fields each year. Hence, for obvious reasons, developing efficient Pump-jack technology is important to the oil and gas community. The project investigates the process and control systems with particular applications in dynamic modeling of oil and gas well pump-jacks which is also known as the […]

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Improve the performance of Heaven Fresh Canada Inc. air purifier

  Indoor air quality has received immense attention in past decades, considering it is more heavily polluted than outdoor environments. People generally spend more than 80% of their time indoors, which contributes to a higher risk of inhaling pollutants. Air cleaning is the most feasible way to improve indoor air quality. Most of indoor air […]

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Microchannel Simulations with the Lattice Boltzmann Method

The nanofluidics and microfluidics simulations and experiments are becoming more and more popular nowadays. Such devices work on microscale to imitate macroscale operations but on a cheaper and faster basis. The good examples are lab-on-chips which perform DNA tests much faster and much cheaper than their large anologues. Thus, the reliable and robust simulations of […]

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Understanding UV Dose Distribution and Reactor Performance Using Bioassay Data

  Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection has been widely applied for drinking water and wastewater treatments because of its effective inactivation of many waterborne pathogens and its minimal formation of disinfection by-products. All UV disinfection systems for public water services need validation to ensure their inactivation performances meet the regulation requirements. The most implemented method for validation is biodosimetry, which involves […]

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