
Since the advent of Subway operations, the task of inspecting and repairing track, signals, and related wayside infrastructure has been essential to safely move millions of people every day.  It has also been one of the most hazardous jobs in the railway industry.  Accordingly, Bombardier is considering Roadway Worker Protection to be a priority.  The […]

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Developing an on-line fluidization analysis probe

The main objective of this research is to develop an on-line fluidization analysis probe to be applied on a commercial fluidized bed. This project will focus on a combination of pressure differential and fiber optic reflection probes. Key objectives will be to establish a lab probe with dual fiberoptic and high frequency pressure readings.  Emphasis […]

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Developing Fluorescent-based Monitoring Strategies to Identify and Reduce Membrane Foulants in Drinking Water Treatment Applications

Membrane processes are increasingly used for the production of drinking water, representing a clean and efficient technology.  The application of membrane processes is limited by the accumulation of fouling components at/near the membrane surface and constitutes membrane fouling.  Therefore, fouling monitoring and control strategies are necessary to ensure sustainable operation of membrane processes.  In collaboration […]

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Coprocessing of Biomass and Heavy Oils (Bio-Economy and Clean Technologies)

Pyrolysis uses high temperatures, in the absence of oxygen, to crack long and complex molecures into smaller molecules.  It has been successfully and separately applied to both (a) heavy oils, to produce lighter liquid fractions and solid coke byproduct in conventional oil refineries, and to (b) biomass, to convert solid residues into liquid bio-oils.  Pyrolytic […]

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Optimizing adjacent technologies for physical and/or functional integration with UV-based technologies

This research project is directed towards the assessment and development of technologies that will complement the UV technologies provided by Trojan Technologies for water/wastewater treatment.  A novel liquid-solid circulating fluidized bed bioreactor (CFBBR) developed at the University of Western Ontario in collaboration with Trojan Technologies has generated a wide interest for commercial application for biological […]

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Dry powder coating of solid pharmaceutical dosages

Solid pharmaceutical dosage forms such as tablets and beads used in capsules are currently coated by liquid coating technology, which incurs high environmental risk and high capital and operation costs. Prof. Zhu's research group has developed an ultratine powder coating technology for the auto industry. Our previous studies have shown that the same technology can […]

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Sustainable Development through the Effective Production and Use of Bio-Fuels and Integrated Bio-Refineries

The project concentrates on developing a holistic approach to integrate bio-refinery with multiple feedstocks. The proposal is directed towards the use of all types of renewable raw materials except food. The project examines the possibility of retrofitting an existing petroleum refinery and petro-chemical complex into integrated bio-refinery to emphasize the utilization of existing infrastructure for […]

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New tools to study enzyme penetration and activity dynamics within wood cell walls

The main challenges in bioconversion of lignocellulose arise from our limited understanding of the heterogeneous chemistry of the substrate and poor accessibility of enzymes within dense wood cell walls. It is clear that our limited appreciation of enzyme penetration into cell walls and catalysis dynamics is partly due to the constraints of the techniques employed […]

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Tailoring Rheological Properties of RigidReclaim™ Resin Streams

The RigidReclaim™ technology under development by Entropex is an innovative process which converts a comingled, contaminated Mixed Rigid waste stream into highly pure, commercially valuable resins. The non-uniform natures of the plastic waste pose a significant challenge to satisfy the quality requirements for high-value applications. This project is a critical component of the RigidReclaim™ technology […]

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Uncertainty propagation and risk assessment for geological carbon storage

The project’s aims are to conduct research on geological carbon storage from the perspective of dynamic analysis and process systems engineering, looking in particular at the dynamics between the wellhead and the CO2 storage reservoir. The main objective is to achieve closed loop operation and management of the reservoir with respect to CO2 sequestration and […]

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Development of proxy reservoir models for geological carbon storage

The project’s aims are to conduct research on geological carbon storage from the perspective of dynamic analysis and process systems engineering, looking in particular at the dynamics between the wellhead and the CO2 storage reservoir. The main objective is to achieve closed loop operation and management of the reservoir with respect to CO2 sequestration and […]

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