Process study, simulation and optimization of direct conversion of biomass to ethyl evulinate

Increasing concerns about global warming related to greenhouse emission, and depletion of fossil fuel resources, bring biomass as a promising environmentally friendly and sustainable alternative to supply chemicals and fuels. One attractive option is the conversion of biomass obtained from recycling activities to high-value chemicals. In this context, direct biomass conversion to ethyl levulinate (EL) […]

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Printable/sprayable anti-infective and anti-fouling coatings based on biomedical-grade polymers

Despite substantial research efforts, the problems of spreading infectious diseases (such as COVID-19) through surface transmission and infections associated with medical devices persist. One promising solution is to apply a coating to the surface of concern that can provide effective surface disinfection. However, existing approaches typically provide only short-term disinfection effects (a few hours), contain […]

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Manufacturing the smart Acoustical/Thermal Insulation (ATI) ceiling tile with recycled plastic for building applications

Global population and economic growth increase the demand for more buildings and, thus, more construction materials. Increases in the production of construction materials also lead to greenhouse gas emission rise and depletion of natural resources. Therefore, by increasing the awareness of the reduction of non-renewable sources, more resource-efficient and sustainable waste management is required. Moreover, […]

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Supercritical water gasification of bio-oils for synthetic jet fuel – Year two

Greenfield Global is currently developing a conversion process to produce jet fuel from renewable feedstocks. Collection and densification of different biomass waste materials and municipal waste at satellite facilities to produce bio-oils, which are then processed at a central facility, is expected. The first processing step at the central facility is supercritical water gasification and […]

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Optical study and characterization of dendritic SERS structures for the design of a custom Raman spectroscopy POC device

Spectra Plasmonics aims to provide a point-of-care testing platform for a variety of applications using its novel SERS (surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy) substrate based on nanotechnology. This project aims to study and elevate the optical capacities of the sensing nanostructures through theory, numerical simulations and experimentation, and find the optimal Raman spectrometer configuration to unlock the […]

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Synthesis and Applications of Graphane

Chemists at the University of Victoria, in collaboration with Epic Ventures Inc., have developed a new process for manufacturing a novel 2-dimensional nanomaterial that stands to make a significant contribution to the development of new devices for hydrogen storage, advanced electronics, transistors, electron–phonon superconductors, and highly-sensitive nanosensors. Although highly hydrogenated graphite (also know as “graphane”) […]

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Fabrication of strong and transparent Janus wound dressings by electrospinning

Wound dressings are indispensable in medical operation as they protect the wound from contamination by foreign matter, absorb wound exudate and control the humidity of the wound to promote healing. Mitigating technology can be integrated in modern wound dressings to expedite the healing process and reduce scarring. In this proposal, we will develop an innovative […]

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Bipolar Electrodialysis Flow Battery

Aqua-Cell Energy, the partner organization, is developing low cost batteries that utilize safe chemicals and have a unique design. The technology being developed can enable large amounts of energy to be stored at a low cost. When using lithium ion batteries, the current industry standard technology, it is expensive to store large amounts of energy […]

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