Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis for Production of Synthetic Jet Fuel

Greenfield Global is developing a process to produce jet fuel from renewable materials, such as waste biomass and organic municipal waste. Fischer–Tropsch synthesis converts a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen (synthesis gas) that was produced from the waste biomass and organic municipal waste into a synthetic crude oil that can be refined to produce […]

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Developing an interfacing platform technology for silicon-micromachined JFET biosensors

Biosensors are can detect a variety of molecules in a rapid and highly sensitive manner. A new biosensing technology was developed to allow scientists to customize the biomolecular target they wanted to detect, called an open-gated silicon junction field effect transistor (JFET). However, this technology lacks user friendly packaging needed accommodate its use in diverse […]

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Catalyst development and characterization for microwave reactors

Hydrogen is a clean energy and its demand continues to rise rapidly in recent years. While hydrogen can be produced at low cost at large scale, the significant cost and complexity of distribution significantly increases its cost when used in smaller quantities in the emerging fuel cell electric vehicle market. Microwave technology is an alternative […]

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Elastomer composites as functional binders for lithium sulfur batteries

Lithium-sulfur batteries (LSBs) have ultra-high energy density (~2600 Wh kg-1) and have great potential as power sources for electric vehicles and portable electronics. However, they suffer from the problems of low practical ability and poor life span, which limit their wide application. This proposed research is to develop elastomer composites as functional binders for LSBs […]

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Bioprocessing of Cellulose-Based Plants for Beverage Fermentation

Province Brands of Canada brews beverages from sugars derived from agricultural wastes such as hemp stems and stalks. The resulting beer is flavorful and nutritiously functional. The stems and stalks must be broken down to produce a glucose syrup suitable for brewing. In order to improve overall results and consistency of final products, Province Brands […]

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Smart Battery Management System by Integrating Physics-basedModeling and AI-based Methodology

The electrification of the automobile industry is one of the main paths toward global decarbonization and a promising solution to address oil supply shortages and environmental pollution. However, the EV industry still faces critical challenges such as long charging time, low battery lifetime, and safety considerations, which restrict widespread adoption of EVs. In this project, […]

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Clinical translation of carbohydrate nanomedicines for gene therapy

Nowadays, we are facing a lifetime risk to acquire cancer. Gene therapy has emerged as a promising and alternative approach for the treatment of several types of cancers as compared to chemo/radio therapy. For introducing these genes into the human body, a vehicle is necessary to protect them from degradation in the physiological environment and […]

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Design of biodegradable bioplastics utilizing hemp

In last few year, due to bad impression, single used plastics has received huge attention from scientist, environmentalist and attentive people from different part of the world. Since only a fraction of these plastics are recycled or repurposed, due to numerous reasons, municipal and industrial waste contain a large portion as plastics. As Canada is […]

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A Data-Driven Automation Framework for Chromatography-based Purification of High-value Biotherapeutics

A critical task towards maximizing productivity in the manufacturing of biotherapeutics such as monoclonal antibodies is selecting the appropriate separation technology or sequence of technologies that meet the purity requirements of regulatory agencies (e.g. Health Canada) and maximize product recovery to reduce the overall cost per dose. The focus of this research project is two-fold. […]

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Ozone Disinfection of Commercial Goods at Global Scale

This project investigates the possible use of the oxygen coproduct from electrolytic hydrogen production, as a feed to produce ozone for disinfection purposes. The shift to a hydrogen economy will see a significant increase in the amount of oxygen produced, and currently, this oxygen has no use. It is possible to capture the oxygen, and […]

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