Rational design of a red fluorescent protein displaying increased quantum yield

The longer emission wavelengths of red fluorescent proteins (RFPs) make them useful for whole-body imaging because cells are more transparent to red light. However, RFPs are typically less bright than other types of fluorescent proteins that emit at shorter wavelengths due to their lower quantum yields. The goal of this project is to increase the […]

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Direct analysis of food by electrothermal vaporisation coupled to inductively coupled plama optical emission spectrometry

With the help of a graduate student, develop methods based on electrothermal vaporisation (ETV) coupled to ICP-OES for the direct multi-element analysis of food, with a focus on food items, such as rice-based or soy-based products that may contain significant levels of toxic elements. If there is time, develop a method allowing the direct speciation […]

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Enhancing Corrosion Resistance of Superheater Alloys

The efficiencies of biomass-fueled power plants are much lower than those of natural gas and coal-fueled plants because exit steam temperatures are restricted to inhibit corrosion of superheater tubes. Nexterra needs to raise steam conditions from 403?C to 460?C in future systems in order to satisfy customer demands. The raise in the probability of corrosion […]

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Cyclodextrin-based ordered polymeric frameworks and investigation of their gas uptake properties and applications

This research will be focused on the development of cross-linked framework materials which contain ?-cyclodextrin (?-CD) and bifunctional cross-linker units at variable composition. Several questions will be addressed: i) the role and relative contribution of multi-functional adsorption sites (inclusion vs. non-inclusion) of the framework material, ii) the role of framework structure and composition on permanent […]

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White pine endophytes: improving tolerance to white pine blister rust

White pine blister rust is a serious disease of pine, an ecologically and economically important forest species in Ontario and the Maritime Provinces. In western Canada, this pathogen has virtually eliminated pine as a commercial species and the disease now threatens eastern Canada. Endophytes are fungi that live in the leaves of various plants including […]

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New methods and applications for monitoring bacteria inwater

We have previously developed and commercialized a bacteria detection technology that is now being marketed for testing E. coli and coliform bacteria in water. The work proposed here will provide tests for additional bacteria types, and new applications of current tests. Each new test will be a combination of new sample handling methods and additional […]

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Manganese Salen Systems for C-H Functionalization

Selective incorporation of valuable building blocks into feedstock chemicals is a very important, albeit often times difficult challenge. We plan to develop catalysts; materials to efficiently convert feedstock chemicals into ones with valuable functionality. The catalysts developed by the current project will incorporate two traditional reactive sites as a means to enhance activity and selectivity […]

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Value added monomers and polymers from renewable sources

Enormous research and commercial activities on utilization of bio-based materials to replace petroleum-based chemicals are currently taking place around world, aiming at the reduction of pollution and global warming. Among them, L-Cysteine which contains a thiol (-SH), amino (-NH2) group and carboxylic acid (-COOH) group. It is considered to be a unique building block for […]

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Chemically Modified Graphene-Like Carbon for Water Purification and Charge Storage Applications

This internship will focus on the chemical modification of a graphene-like material developed by 3M Canada towards membranes for the removal of divalent cations from water and chargestorage materials (supercapacitors). The need for improved purification technologies, specifically those that target the removal of divalent cations, such as calcium and magnesium, which are found in hard water, has never been […]

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Photoredox Fluorination: Selectively Synthesize 2-fluoro-2-methyl-2-deoxyarabinolactone Derivatives via a Radical Pathway

Nature’s ability to convert solar energy to chemical energy in photosynthesis has inspired the development of a host of photoredox systems in efforts to mimic this process. The capacity of fluorine atoms to engender a variety of useful properties in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and performance materials has driven significant research efforts toward the invention of novel […]

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Doubly-resonant sum frequency generation studies of rhodamine 6G films

The potential for solar cells as renewable energy sources is increasingly recognized as better devices come to the market. It has been recognized that the use of organic dyes as sensitizers can greatly enhance their performance. As a result, there has been an increased effort to develop new dye-sensitized materials for more efficient light harvesting. […]

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