Multiple impacts of anthropogenic obstructions on the migrations of fishes

Ducks Unlimited Canada operates multiple fishways slated for replacement throughout Nova Scotia. Recent fishway passage studies on alewife indicate that identifying problem areas for fish passage, and altering fishway design accordingly, greatly increases fish passage. To assess fish passage at fishways, movements of fish will be monitored using passive integrated transponder tags and antenna systems. […]

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Organo-Tellurium Supramolecular Building Blocks

The student will travel to the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianopolis, Brazil, for 12 weeks to develop the chemical synthesis of new organo-tellurium compounds whose molecules will be used as building blocks for large self-assembled structures with functional properties. This project will combine the expertise of I. Vargas-Baca (McMaster) and A L. Braga, […]

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Active ingredients and key antioxidants in natural skincare products

Intern will be determining active ingredients in Iceberg mist which is a toner based on iceberg water. Several tests will be conducted to determine the antioxidant potential of this product. The partner organization will be able to make a claim on the product using the information based on this project which will help in marketing […]

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Can cats protect people from Lyme disease?

Domestication of cats is thought to date to the Neolithic and to have been driven by the need to control rodents that destroyed stored food. In developed countries, modern pest control methods have rendered the traditional role of cats largely redundant and the hunting tendency of cats is now viewed in a more negative light […]

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Winter ecology and movements of declining songbird species in Manitoba

Migratory birds are in a conservation crisis, with accelerating population declines documented Canada-wide. It is a federal responsibility to protect migratory birds; however, a major gap in the ability to mitigate threats to these species is a lack of knowledge of their year-round movements. By using new tracking technology, our project will quantify movements and […]

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Comparison of in vitro vs. in vivo formation of cis-platin DNA adducts

Comparison of in vitro vs. in vivo formation of cis-platin DNA adducts INTRODUCTION: More than 50% of the compounds used in chemotherapy damage DNA. The most effective chemotherapeutic compounds induce DNA lesions that are slowly repaired, blocking DNA replication and cell cycle over a relatively long period of time after treatment. However cell cycle arrest […]

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Influence of forest management on snags, cavity trees and cavity nesters in Northern hardwoods

Deadwood, being standing (snags) or fallen, represents a key structural element in forest ecosystems. Many flora and wildlife species are directly associated to deadwood for establishment and growth in plants and feeding or nesting in animals, including cavity-tree nesters (primary excavators and seconday users). Some living trees are also important for wildlife as part of […]

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Developmental genetics of the zebrafish skeleton

Osteoarthritis is a major obstacle to work productivity and quality of life for many Canadians, affecting over 10% of the general population and 15% of Saskatchewanians, with the elderly increasingly affected (>40% of Canadians over 65 years old). At the cellular and molecular level, osteoarthritis involves two main defects: 1) degradation of sugar-coated proteins (proteoglycans) […]

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Lymphatic function in cancer metastasis

The goal of this study is to address the role of tumor draining lymphatic function and cancer immunity during lymphatic metastasis and ionizing radiation (IR) therapy. Metastatic cancer cells invade lymphatic vessels, traffic through collecting lymphatic vessel and enter lymph node (LN) to form metastasis. The presence of cancer cells in the tumor draining LN […]

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Bioremediation with fungal mycelia

This project aims at the removal of contaminants from water through bioremediation with fungal cultures. Specifically, the feasibility of a range of wood substrates will be tested. The project will use bioassays (Microtox) for testing degrees of contamination before and after treatment. Phase 1: In the first phase of the project a bioassay will be […]

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Biological communities in a human modified coastal landscape

Shellfish aquaculture activities that occur in the intertidal environment can directly and indirectly affect the organisms that live on and within the sediment and higher trophic level organisms (e.g. fish) that utilize the habitat. These activities include the following: 1) Altered species composition and increased densities: Bivalve species compositions are altered by planting economically valuable […]

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Cell survival and cell death regulation in gynecological cancers.

BACKGROUND & RATIONALE Endometrial cancer (EC) is the leading type of female genital cancer in the Western world and ranks fourth among the most common cancers in women. Patients with tumour confined to the uterus are treated with surgery and radiotherapy; however, more than 25% of patients diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma have an invasive primary […]

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