High Throughput Phenotyping of Spectrally-Optimized Plant Growth

Light is essential to plant growth and development. Despite being established in plant growth systems, current light systems on the market lack the ability to replicate key daily events such as dawn and dusk differences in light quality and intensity that occur naturally. Edmonton, Alberta based technology company G2V Optics Inc has commercialized a precision, […]

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Quantifying the value and risk of restoring wetland habitats in agricultural landscapes – Year two

Wetlands provide critical habitat and valuable ecosystem services. Land use conversion in Ontario, however, has led to substantial wetland loss. The restoration of wetlands on agricultural properties has the potential to offset wetland loss, yet these wetlands are also susceptible to contamination by pesticides. Our research will therefore establish: (1) to what degree restored wetlands […]

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F508-del CFTR rescue by mutated toxoids and evaluation of its functional efficacy in vivo

Many genetic diseases caused by small genetic mutations do not result in complete loss of protein fnction, but rather are due to the degradation of mutant protein by a “quality control” mechanism (endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation-ERAD) soon after it is made. Prominent amongst such ERAD-dependent diseases is Cystic Fibrosis(CF), a chronic, progressive, life-threatening genetic disease that […]

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Microbial diversity around natural hydrocarbon seeps in relation to petroleum bioprospecting and oil spill bioremediation Year 1

Oil reservoir souring is the production of toxic hydrogen sulfide by sulfate-reducing microorganisms (SRM) through naerobic respiration supported by organic electron donors present in oil fields. In recent years, nitrate injection has merged as a promising green biotechnology that has been proven effective in controlling sulfide production in oil fields. This strategy relies on inducing […]

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Écologie de la fission-fusion chez le singe araignée

Some social mammals present a group dynamic related to spatially and temporally variable environments described as fission-fusion dynamics. This dynamics is defined as the temporal division of a group into sub-groups varying in size and composition, and is thought to occur through social regulation to improve foraging efficiency. Nevertheless, the influential factors in that dynamics […]

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A new beetle species associated with honey bees (Vietnam)

Beetles, possibly of an undescribed species, frequently inhabit honeybee (Apis cerana) hives in Vietnam. They walk over and around honeybees in their nest with no apparent harm to the bee colony. Surveys of beekeepers and their hives will enable us to determine the distribution and incidence of the beetles. A number of biossays will provide […]

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Ecology, Conservation and Welfare of Captive Wildlife

A joint research agreement was adopted between Concordia University and Zoo de Granby in the spring 2014. The firm BBA joined this partnership in November 2014. The aim of the initiative is to foster the training of highly qualified personnel in conservation and welfare of captive wildlife, by allowing Concordia students to get hands-on experience […]

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Atmospheric Acid Emissions, Climate Change, and Coastal Salmon Stream Ecosystems in British Columbia

Atmospheric acid emissions are increasing in north coastal British Columbia from increased metallurgical smelting, marine fossil fuel transport, and development of liquefied natural gas. Acid deposition can cause episodic acidification of streams when acidic compounds are flushed into streams after snowmelt and precipitation events over hours to weeks. Many salmon-bearing coastal streams are likely sensitive […]

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Using the Arabidopis toolbox to evaluate the plant growth promoting activity of purified molecules from brown algal extracts

Seaweeds and seaweed products have been promoted in agriculture as source of nutrients and activators, to improve plant growth, plant productivity and food production. A wide range of beneficial effects have been observed, including seed germination, enhanced growth and crop yield, elevated resistance to biotic and abiotic stress. However, the bioactive compounds have not been […]

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Improved method of donor kidney storage at subzero temperatures

Currently, storage of donor kidneys at low temperatures is limited to 24 hours. If the storage time of donor kidneys could be extended, this would allow more opportunity to identify and prepare suitable recipients for this life-saving procedure. Our improved method of kidney storage at subzero temperatures will also allow patients at more remote locations […]

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