THC and CBD ratios in cannabis grown in hydroponic or aquaponic systems

A new era has dawned in the world of cannabis research. After becoming only, the second country in the world to legalize cannabis Canada is now in an ideal position to establish cross country research programs into the world of cannabinoids. The cannabis plant is a cornucopia of chemicals with a very wide range of […]

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Impact of Repeated Vaccination on 2017-2018 Influenza Vaccines Effectiveness – A Retrospective Study

Influenza causes seasonal illness characterized by fever, myalgia and respiratory symptoms which can lead to hospitalization and death. Although it is a vaccine preventable disease, influenza contributes directly and indirectly to a large number of hospitalizations and outpatient visits. More specifically, influenza causes every year approximately 12,000 hospitalizations and 3,500 deaths in Canada, of which […]

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Identifying species and planting conditions to revegetate mixed mine tailings at the Whabouchi site operated by Nemaska Lithium in Northern Québec

The long term objective of this project is to develop methods of revegetating mine tailings sites (in this case, a very large tailing mound in northern Quebec) using natural vegetation, and without transporting soil long distances. The specific objective of this project over the next year is to (i) conduct field trials to determine the […]

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Enabling next generation cardiac therapeutics with genetic engineering and novel in vivo models for cardiomyocyte transplantation

The development of cellular therapeutics is acutely dependent on the ability to evaluate the functional characteristics of the cells in predictive animal models. This forms the basis of key pre-clinical data packages that are key for regulatory submissions preceding human clinical trials. The development of appropriate model systems, the execution of the surgical techniques to […]

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Examination of beneficial effects of copper fabric on cardiometabolic status, and mechanistic role of gut microbiome

Copper has long been proposed to have important biological properties. Designed to deliver the health benefits of copper, CuTEC yarn is a USPTO|EPO patent pending, bio-engineered copper-based yarn that can be produced as products such as clothing and mattress ticking. Although many believe in the positive properties of copper for well-being, many remain retiscent to […]

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Quantifying fish-turbine interactions using VEMCO’s new high residency acoustic electronic tagging technology-Phase 2

It remains unclear if fishes that occupy Canada’s leading tidal energy test site in Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, will be negatively affected by turbine installations. The objective of this project is to determine fishes’ interactions with operating turbines. Of approximately 70 species of fishes that interact with Minas Passage only three have […]

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An emerging aquatic invasive species in Saskatchewan: distribution and ecology of the Prussian carp

Invasive aquatic species are one of the largest threats to aquatic ecosystems and cost Canadians around $343 million annually. Aquatic invasive species negatively impacts recreational use of freshwater and can decrease water quality, reduce native populations, and can cause fisheries to collapse. Prussian carp are an invasive species native to Asia that have recently been […]

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Improved pest management: diagnostics for management of pesticide resistance in greenhouse populations of the two-spotted spider mite, aphids, whiteflies and thrips

Mite and insect pests pose an ongoing threat to the sustainability of greenhouse vegetable production. Their control is critically reliant on pesticides. However, the intensive use of pesticides and the shrinking number of registered insecticides and acaricides increases the selection pressure against the few chemicals available and accelerates the evolution of resistance. This is critical […]

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Revegetation of disturbed areas in Northern Manitoba

Revegetation of northern Manitoba ecosystems, disturbed by hydroelectric development, is critical to meet the ecological and cultural needs of the First Nation communities located in these areas. To establish a viable self-sustaining ecosystem, it is important to understand the challenges associated with reclamation in these disturbed areas. The main goal of our proposed research is […]

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Optimization and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) translation of GLIDE (Guided Lymphocyte Immunopeptide Derived Expansion) manufacturing process

Leukemia, lymphoma and other forms of blood cancers are still largely diagnosed every year in Canada. These diseases constitute the second leading cause of cancer related death in young adults and the sixth in adult. The five-year survival rates still range between 42% and 85%. Currently, the main treatment is a stem cell transplantation which […]

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Investigating the scope of dsRNAi in human cells

Long dsRNA is produced by viruses during their replicative cycle. In plants and invertebrates, long dsRNAs block crucial cellular processes through RNA interference (RNAi). In vertebrates, long dsRNA is a potent inducer of critical signaling proteins that regulate antiviral immune responses. Although the RNAi system is conserved in vertebrates, there is little evidence to suggest […]

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