Validation of the diagnostic accuracy of a real-time fecal PCR test to identify Angiostrongylus vasorum infection

French Heartworm is a very real threat to the health of domesticated and wild dogs in Newfoundland. The purpose of this research project is to validate the sensitivity and specificity of a newly developed fecal test for this parasite. This will be done by collecting fecal and heart/lung samples from deceased dogs and wild canids (ie. coyotes, foxes). […]

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Manipulation of Phytohormonal Production by Methylobacterium extorquens

TerraVerdae Bioworks is working with a type of bacteria that is able to metabolize methanol, converting it into a bioplastic. TerraVerdae is focusing its commercial operations on bioplastic production but is interested in identifying other bioproducts that can also be produced. It is known that this type of bacteria forms a symbiotic relationship with plants, […]

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Modeling water temperatures in the Fraser River watershed network

Rising river temperatures, partly driven by land-use and climate warming, threaten the future of Fraser River salmon. It is vital that fisheries managers acquire tools that will aid their understanding of how rising river temperatures will impact salmon in the Fraser River. With my industry partner, I will build a novel mathematical temperature model for […]

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Développement d’un produit podiatrique à base de cellulose couplée à des peptides antimicrobiens pour le contrôle des pathogènes du pied diabétique

On estime dans le monde que plus de 285M de personnes sont atteintes de diabète. Cette maladie et ses complications représentent un énorme fardeau financier pour le système de santé (et les compagnies d’assurance). D’ici 2020, les coûts reliés au diabète et sa prise en charge atteindront 16,9 milliards $ par année au Canada. Actuellement, […]

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Blood and nasal biomarkers of Cat-SPIRE Efficacy

The Cat-SPIRE vaccine reduces symptoms in those who suffer from cat allergy. Two interns will work on complementary projects that will evaluate blood and nasal biomarkers of Cat-SPIRE efficacy. One trainee will examine changes to the DNA in special immune cells called dendritic cells, isolated from blood. The other trainee will examine markers of inflammation […]

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Assessing marine mammal presence in and near the FORCE Lease Area during winter and early spring – addressing baseline data gaps and sensor performance

The collection of baseline data on marine mammal use of tidal energy sites prior to Tidal In stream Energy Conversion (TISEC) deployments is considered vital in any subsequent post-deployment assessment of changes in marine mammal activity levels or spatial use. The proposed project involves the deployment of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) devices (hydrophones) for an […]

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Improvement of Quality and Efficacy of Natural HealthProducts & Dietary Supplement

The overall goal of this project is for the University science team at the University of Ottawa and University of New Brunswick to develop high quality Echinacea products for Canadian and world markets in collaboration with Amway Canada. One objective involves phytochemical and pharmacological selection and propagation of elite Echinacea from the historic Echinacea germplasm […]

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Development and Implementation of a Water Analytics Framework: Intelligent Operations for Water (IOW)

Within a watershed, data are collected on various aspects of water (amount, withdrawals, returns, contaminant concentrations) by multiple groups, yet rarely shared at the basin scale. To reduce data “siloing” and make collected data available to multiple users interested in water management within a watershed context, data from multiple sources must be combined. Advancing Canadian […]

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Statistical advancements in the analysis of migratory movements using a novel broad-scale automated radio-telemetry array.

Partnerships among researchers and corporations are continually pushing the advancement of animal tracking technology, allowing smaller animals to be tracked for longer periods, over greater spatial scales, and at finer scale spatial resolutions. Yet the statistical analyses of these data is lagging behind. Using a novel, state-of-the-art network of 57 automated telemetry arrays distributed across […]

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Impacts of tidal turbines on marine mammals

Canada’s coastal regions are an excellent source of marine renewable energy. These regions are also popular with marine mammals, providing good feeding opportunities. However little is known about how marine mammals will be affected by tidal energy developments. Concerns include the impacts of sound on animals’ ability to find food and navigate, the indirect effects […]

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Chemical and Microbial Contaminants of Medical Air in Healthcare Institutions

Administration of supplemental oxygen through medical air is a life-supporting measure essential for the management of severe primary respiratory conditions as well as secondary lung injury due to systemic insults such as trauma and sepsis. This medical air is often produced on site through devices which draw, compress and filter outside air in order to […]

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