High-resolution Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and its Application to Salt Marsh Restoration

Salt marshes are recognized as significant feeding grounds and refuges for wildlife and for their importance in flood mitigation, carbon sequestration and as filters for removing pollutants and suspended sediments. With growing interest in, and efforts towards, dyke removal and salt marsh restoration, there is a need for science-based management decisions to ensure appropriate site-specific […]

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Researching Organic Materials to Control Fruitset of Apples

The project will utilize basic research to understand the target and time of action of the organic materials which will be used to guide the implementation and management plan for a new blossom thinner. The intern will test the efficacy of twenty candidate organic materials to act as blossom thinners and develop a management plan […]

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Assessing Ecosystem Health of an Agricultural Watershed Using Insect Condition

Streams become contaminated with pesticides through runoff, groundwater contamination and aerial deposition. Previously, a research team had determined that aquatic insects are negatively affected by insecticides at concentrations that are detected in streams in Atlantic Canada. These concentrations were so low that they were not thought to cause effects. It was found that mayflies were […]

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Optimizing Stocking Strategies for Rainbow Trout in Mixed Species Lakes

The goal of this project is to develop a method of estimating optimum stocking strategies in mixed species lakes in collaboration with the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC, a non-profit organization which works in partnership with the provincial government to deliver the fish stocking program as well as providing conservation fish culture services. The growth […]

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The Effect of Plant Condition on Bumble Bee Pollination in Greenhouse Tomato

The intern will collaborate with MGS Horticultural, a major supplier of fertilizer and pest management controls, to study the relationship between scent and pollination success in commercial greenhouses. Previous (unpublished) research has suggested that scent is an integral component of pollination in greenhouse tomato, and that scent can be affected by growth conditions within a […]

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Establishing Native Plant Communities on Severely Disturbed Sites: Investigating the Limiting Factors to Restoring Slash Burn Scars

In many actively managed forest ecosystems, the most disturbed locations are the areas where excess woody slash has been piled and burned. Burning slash creates barren patches, which may provide locations for the invasion of exotic plant species. The intern will study the restoration of native species to these sites where slash piles have been […]

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Cellular factors influencing the developmental potential of pure and hybrid bison

Assisted reproductive technologies can provide unique alternatives for wildlife managers interested in preserving genetically valuable individuals. The Canadian wood bison, currently listed as threatened, will benefit greatly from the use of in vitro fertilization and embryo banking as a method for producing genetically healthy, disease‐free herds. However, minimal or non‐existent knowledge of the fundamental aspects […]

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Influence of nuclear cytoplasmic interactions on developmental competence of bison

Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a unique technology that allows the preservation of the entire genome from an individual, thereby avoiding dilution of valuable alleles. This is an important criterion in endangered species preservation. Our interest in the Canadian wood bison, a threatened species, has brought us to consider the application of SCNT as […]

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Natural gas development and grassland songbird abundance in Southwestern Saskatchewan: the impact of gas wells and cumulative effects

Native prairie is critical to the survival of avian grassland specialists. This internship will determine the extent to which recent natural gas development on native grasslands in Southwestern Saskatchewan influences grassland songbird abundance. Natural gas activity may negatively affect bird abundance via habitat degradation (well density, noise pollution, human disturbance, exotic species, soil compaction, gas […]

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Developments of a novel agricultural-based approach for producing high levels of stearidonic acid

The objective of this project is to develop a novel agricultural‐based approach for producing high levels of stearidonic acid (SDA)‐containing seed oil in plants using co‐cultivation with microbial inoculants. Production of seed oil enriched in SDA, a dietary product possessing proven health benefits, is promising for use as animal and human diet supplements. SDA has […]

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