Research and Development of Urinary Metabolome-based Personalized Health Assessment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Autism and Environmental Exposure – Year Two

Despite the growing interests and publications in metabolomics, there is a significant gap between what have been found through scientific studies and what have actually been applied in clinical practice and preventative healthcare. This proposed project aims to fill this gap by addressing two major causes; 1) lack of utilization in existing metabolomics data and […]

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Developing Alternative Career Decision-Support Tool for Internationally Educated Health Professionals

Internationally Educated Health Professionals (IEHPs), are those who completed their health professional degree (e.g., nursing, MD, etc.) from outside Canada. Many of the IEHPs, however, cannot integrate into their ideal career i.e., nurse, physician, etc. and remain underemployed in non-skilled jobs. The low rate of success in obtaining their respective career in Canada leaves no […]

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Fish use of restored and natural salt marshes in Maritime Canada

Salt marshes are coastal wetlands that provide many ecosystem services. Many fish species are known to use salt marshes as habitat at some point throughout their lives including those that hold commercial and recreational value. Depending on their location, salt marshes may experience varying degrees of tidal flooding, not only making more areas of the […]

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Positive pombe: engineering anti-depressant molecules in fission yeast

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased depression and anxiety in Canada, adding to the current opioid drug dependency crisis. Mental health supports can be used with drug options to relieve symptoms and promote better health. Some cases of depression are resistant to treatment, and alternatives are needed that bring patients relief. Psilocybin is a compound found […]

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Developing A Drug-Protein Interactome for Identifying Potential Drug Targets In-situ

Our method reveals the interaction landscape of a given drug. We will generate a two-part biosensor inside living cells. The first part involves a genetically encoded reactive ‘beacon’. The second part is the drug of interest, synthetically modified with complementary reactivity to the beacon. When present together in cells, both parts chemically combine to form […]

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Plant-wild bee relationships of camas meadows and their phenology along an elevation gradient in the Lower Columbia Region, British Columbia.

The floodplain of the Columbia River in southeastern British Columbia is known for large meadows of camas, a blue flowering plant that has deep historical and cultural significance to Interior Salish communities in the region. Camas is also likely to be ecologically-significant, playing a keystone role in these meadows. It is visited by a large […]

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Multiplexed quantitative proteomics approaches to characterize residual host cell protein impurities in biopharmaceutical processing

Many drugs, such as those made of antibodies, are produced using cells from bacteria and other organisms. Companies such as BioVectra use this approach to produce antibody drugs efficiently and cost-effectively. At the end of the production process, residue such as protein from the “host” cells (called host cell proteins, or HCPs) must be removed […]

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Immunomodulatory fusion proteins to treat solid malignancies.

Immunotherapies are transforming conventional cancer treatments with significant improvement of patient survival rates. FDA-approved immunotherapies (immune checkpoint inhibitors, ICIs) have shown remarkable success in the treatment of hematologic malignancies but very low response rate in patients with solid tumors. Therefore, there is an urgent need for novel therapies against solid malignancies. Cura Therapeutics is developing […]

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How are rapid environmental changes influencing Canadian-origin Yukon River Chinook declines?

Yukon River Chinook salmon have experienced devastating declines in recent years, leading to significant impacts on Yukon First Nation citizens. To address this growing conservation issue, we have collaborated with Yukon First Nations to understand their desires for improving salmon conservation capacity, and how we can support them in this endeavour. Together, we have identified […]

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Greenland shark bycatch mortality and mitigation in Canadian Arctic fisheries

Accidental fisheries catch ? or bycatch ? is a critical issue for conservation and fisheries management. Greenland sharks are a common bycatch in northern fisheries and are of concern because they are long-lived and may be vulnerable to overfishing. The proposed research addresses current data gaps related to Greenland shark bycatch through the following objectives: […]

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A DNA-based approach for evaluating the impacts of wood waste on benthic biodiversity

Coastal habitats are critical for the health, livelihoods and social well-being of Canadian communities. In British Columbia, log handling and storage areas create wood waste that falls to the seafloor and does not decompose, degrading important habitats and substantially reducing the number of species can live there. To manage the impacts of habitat degradation, it […]

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