Facilitating Indigenous co-management of wildlife in Manitoba through collaboration on sustainable camera trap monitoring

This project aims to build strong collaborations with Indigenous communities across Manitoba to monitor large mammals using camera traps. The goals of this study are to facilitate Indigenous co-management of wildlife with the provincial government in Manitoba and to inform management of declining species, especially moose, with regards to the factors which are driving decreasing […]

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The development of nanoparticle-doped redox active hole transport materials for next-generation solar cell cathodes

Koivisto Materials Consulting Inc (KMC) is a Canadian-owned and operated for-profit company that seeks to commercialize a low-cost optically transparent photovoltaic windows and coatings. KMCs proprietary technology is based on a modified dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) architecture and novel bio-inspired dyes. The two major advantages for DSSC devices are their optical transparency and ability to […]

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Marine ecosystem changes in Atlantic Canada: drivers of altered abundance and habitat use by waterfowl and marine birds?

Saltmarshes and coastal wetlands in Atlantic Canada are some of the habitats that have experienced the greatest decline in area over the past 400 years. Various organizations have monitored habitat change and bird use of these sites for decades, but no one has undertaken a comprehensive examination of changes in habitats or avian abundance, potential […]

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The role of complement factor D (adipsin) in the pathogenesis of the Stargardt phenotype in Abca4-deficient mice

Stargardt disease affects approximately 1:10,000 individuals and causes progressive, irreversible blindness. While primarily a juvenile disease, age of onset can range from childhood to adulthood. Although supportive care can help slow progression, there are currently no approved therapies and all patients are expected to reach legal blindness. Therefore, Stargardt disease represents an urgent unmet medical […]

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Identifying and quantifying entrained larval fishes using eDNA and metabarcoding

Monitoring biodiversity using DNA-based approaches has many advantages for large-scale studies. DNA metabarcoding can assess the presence, absence, and abundance of species in a sample where individuals are not morphologically identifiable, such as bulk samples of larval fishes or from environmental DNA (eDNA) in water samples. We propose to develop a high-throughput metabarcoding-based approach that […]

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Effects of human and natural habitat factors on wolverine density and connectivity

In southern Canada, wolverines share their natural habitat with humans. Forestry, for example, alters local ecosystems and leaves behind road networks that give access to people, also including recreationalists. Finally, many valley bottoms contain human infrastructure. This research project examines if wolverine numbers are impacted more by human or natural factors, determines if population connectivity […]

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Wastewater Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Nova Scotia

Although COVID-19 is considered a respiratory illness, the genetic material of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has been found in the feces of people infected with the virus. It is known that the virus survives longer in the gastrointestinal tract than in the respiratory tract. As such, wastewater has been used to determine the […]

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Using soil nematodes as indicators of soil health in wet meadow rangelands

Grasslands store carbon, regulate water, recycle nutrients, and conserve biodiversity. In western Canada, seasonally flooded, wet meadow grasslands, also provide habitats for species at risk. Despite their importance to conservation, little is known about the effect of grazing on these ecosystems. This research will help understand how grazing effects plants, soils, and the ecosystem services […]

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Assessment of the feasibility of manufacturing and marketing carvacrol-incorporated natural health products

Antibiotic therapy has been the primary approach for strep throat. Although various antibiotics, including penicillin, are effective, bacteriologic, and clinical treatment failures have been reported. Patients are more concerned about soothing the pain during the infection, and green/natural drug therapy with less or no adverse side effects are becoming popular. From preliminary studies and literature, […]

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Discovering new microbes and metabolisms in deep sea sediments using metagenomic sequencing

Microorganisms living in marine seafloor sediments are of scientific interest for many reasons including their role in cycling nutrients, their metabolic diversity, and the relatively few investigations of their existence due to their habitation of such an extreme and isolated environment. In addition, subsurface microbes can provide insight into their surrounding environment, including signalling the […]

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Characterizing Offshore Lobster Biology and Estimating Tag Recaptures and Reporting Rates in Lobster Fishing Areas 33 and 34

Little information is known about offshore lobster. Knowledge gaps exist in general population demographics, maturity rates, and movement patterns (migrations). Most notably, nothing is known about offshore lobster in this region especially during the closed season. This project will form a collaboration between captains and their crews and researchers to collect data on the offshore […]

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